For all the great DM (any game) players (ie: in clans)

Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
I'm a semi-serious DM player (ie: I just play when there is no good single player game out) and I do resonably good in clan servers (ie: top 5 to top 3). Now, I always see those godlike players, the ones that have a 98% accuracy with the revolver and godlike ability with the shotgun. This is a general question: how much do you play to become that good. I know that most DM games are pretty much the same thing with different weapons, so how long have you played DM and how often do you play it to get that good.

This thread is simply out of curiosity. I have friend who play WoW for 6 hours a day and I wish I could do that. Same thing with DM, I wish I had enough time to practice and get into a Clan and finally get away from all the noobs.

I have an exam in 2 hours, so I need to keep myself somehow occupied so as not to start panicing and try to go over all my notes :cool:
hello bud, ive being playing since deathmatch came out and now i am always in the top 3. i just play now and again weekends and shit. just get used to it eventually, you know targeting people etc. i think im pretty good now, when i started i was crap.
I used to be really good when it first came out. I played alot then.

But then all the people who waste wayyyy too much time playing were introduced to this game, and I am no longer that good. I don't even play anymore.
It's not only to play alot to get that good. That you take it easy. Natural talent plays a part for sure. But the most important part is, as Fatal1ty said ;) Practice practice practice.
I play mostly during the week and sundays, if the gf isn't about. At least a few hours a day and I work a 9-5 as well.

Your best bet is to play in servers that have the good players in, eventually your ratio will creep up and you'll improve. Learning the maps is key and getting a route(s) where you can keep stocked up on health, guns and sheilds is important also.
I owned Tribes back in the day. :smoking: As for HL2 it depends on the map and server... there are times when I'll get 60+ kills and under 20 deaths (happening more and more frequently these days)... but most of the time I am usually #1 or 2 on my team, always with a positive k:d ratio. Basically I stay on top because I out think the other people (traps, etc), respawn after dying very fast and go finish off the guy that killed me, and I have practiced with the bow.
Well, I can hardly profess to be god-like. But I'm pretty good in HL2: DM.

Army is right about the xbow. If you master that thing, you can get insane kills. It'll either outright kill someone, or bring them down to so little health that you could finish them off with the pistol if you wanted (not recommended, unless you just want to humiliate them).

And get good with the shotty.

And learn how to get headshots. Later, I'm going to go play HL2: DM and use nothing but the pistol for two reason: 1) To screw around and have fun. 2) To improve my headshot ability. The pistol is decent if you can get headshots, and it spits out ammo quickly enough that a sufficiently skilled player could totally own many pubs with it. Of course, if you don't get headshots, you die. Over and over again.
*waits for ComradeBadger to notice this thread*

I have played alot of OP4 with him and some HL2DM lately, he's pretty much ranked #1 internationally in OP4 nowadays, and is extremely good in HL2DM. All I can say is he hasn't been that good all the time, but he's played ALOT and for a long time. He loves DM games and quickly becomes skilled in them.

There's no secret, just practise. Keep playing, but only if you like the game, not because you want to get good because there's pro leagues in every game around. Pick one game that you enjoy and play it alot, focus on having fun but also caring about your skill, your aim, how you react etc. Trust me, if you don't like the game or get frustrated because you can only think of how good or bad you play, you're never going to become good, at least not very quickly.

I play mostly CS:S and UT2004, I am pretty good in both because I enjoy them even though I haven't bothered much about skill.
Bahahaha I'm nowhere near the number 1 in Op4 :p .. more like Euro Top5 before I got rusty... :p

I ain't nothing in HL2DM atm - but hopefully that'll soon change :)

I've been playing DM games for nearly a year now.. play most nights for a couple of hours.. :)

The secret is movement :D master your moving and you'll be ace.
I will tell you all my achille's heel: the guys who are really quick with the grenade/grav gun combo...I'm still looking for a good way to stop them. Also, nothing more crippling than poor key configuration! :thumbs:
Movement + prediction + some aim = survival
great aim = survival until you meat the guy above =)
You should start by platying TDM... get comfortable with the flow of things.. get used to maps and such - then when you think you are good enough have a stab at DM.. I'm sure you'll like the results.

Always keep moving, and remember - the grav gun if the best weapon in the game.
I think FPS skill comes in basically three stages, only the first two of which are based on the amount of time playing the game (kinda).

There are some fundamentals that just come naturally after playing FPSs for a while. Things like learning the map's health/ammo locations (sounds obvious but I find a lot of noobs that don't bother to look for such things), running along walls as opposed to out in the open, and just basic judgment as to when to fight, when to sneak, and when to run. These are things that become engrained in play style of vets and they will find themselves implementing these things immediately regardless of what game is being played. I feel that these things are the most important skills of any FPS and put you automatically above most players.

Achieving a level above just proficient requires skills more specific to the new game you're playing and comes simply from spending more time with the game. With more time comes the best way to use what weapons, their range effectiveness and damage etc. You'll soon know the maps by heart and be able to quickly reach resources and anticipate the moves of others based on the specific map.

At this point someone is pretty good, places near the top of the standings but lacks some of the advanced techniques and strategy that makes a player truly dominate a server. I think the best way to get to that elite level is to find a good clan or at least other players you can play with regularly, talk to on TS, and share information with. I've been in a UT clan for a few years now and watching people start playing; they almost always follow this cycle. Once we'd see someone on a server and it was obvious that they had good aim and were getting pretty good, a clan would see the potential and recruit them. Almost RIGHT AWAY after joining a good clan (one that will help train you up) these players' games shot to a new level (a level that may have never been reached just running around a server by themselves).

All of the time in the world can't make up for practicing with people better than you all the time (especially if they're dedicated to helping you). There is no substitute for learning from someone who is already elite.

*steps off of soap box*