For All You Halo Fans


Sep 13, 2003
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Once upon a time, way back in the years of 1999-2000, I was working for GameSpy's Battleground: Halo website. Halo was set to be a revolutionary game for the PC and Macintosh. Combining some of the most dazling graphics engine seen and stupidly large online team-play first person shooter action (Covenant VS marines on an almost massively multiplayer scale).

It was quite simply the most anticipated action game that was ever expected to be released (as opposed to Duke Nukem Forever, for example). By the time it was actually released on XBox (a long while after they intended to on PC) the graphics were nothing special and multiplayer potential was hit in the head with a bat. Regardless of this dissapointment, I stumbled across some movies I remember watching years ago, when Halo was still targeted for the PC, definately worth watching...

Bungie's 30mb Quicktime Halo preview:

Bungie's 180mb 10 minute Halo preview from Gamestock 2001:
Is it the one where marines attack the alien base? Where the Halo dude appear in the end as the savior? I loved that one, it was so coooooooool... :)
Ah, man, if only Halo was so open-ended as in that video. But no, M$ came in, scrapped everything and made Bungie do one of the boring single-player in history of FPS (On the same level with Diakatana, the only way I could play it through was Co-op).
mm, i don't know whats worse:
Having to wait for a 3+ years for a game, just because it's gone from pc -> console -> pc. Or the fact that it actually looked better 3+ years ago.....

The only thing that does make up for it is that it's still not playable on the mac. muhahahah :devil:

edit: gamespy is giving me +220KB/s speeds..... and i've got a free account. me likey, me likey alot.
Originally posted by Marijn
mm, i don't know whats worse:
Having to wait for a 3+ years for a game, just because it's gone from pc -> console -> pc. Or the fact that it actually looked better 3+ years ago.....

Unfortunately yes, it looked a hell of a lot better in 1999. Both gameplay and graphics.
*ahem* when criticising the multiplayer gameplay of Halo what PC gfames are you comparing it too??

(might be an idea to remind u guys that there are f**k all good shooters out on the pc. That's why we're all waiting here for HL2)
UT2003, RTCW, ET to name just a few.
I agree about RTCW (my fave) ........ ET's ok too. UT2003 tho :/ scheizenpoopen (imo of course)

If you want good fighting and vehicles it as to be Halo (for now anyway)
lol... rendered in real time on a macintosh in openGL!

In other words F U MICROSOFT!

Then MS bought em.... Bastards
Bah, I have more fun playing Operation Flashpoint at Lans. You know, there is nothing like seeing helicopter full of soldiers, bunch of tanks and tracks under that helicopter, attacking enemy’s base.
Man i think im gnna have to wait on halo since its getting such neagative remarks around here. Dont know what else to get TONIGHT as in 7 hours from now...
I wouldn't listen to the ppl bad mouthing Halo - if they don't like it (after only playing it for a few days, on public servers) that's fine. Doesn't mean you won't love it :)
Still i think im gonna wait for a demo i dont wanna go spend 50 bucks then end up agreeing with them.
Hrm... I'll have to disagree with you. I have it for the xbox, and the singleplayer was one of the best storys that have have played through (right up there with HL imo).

Then we got multiplayer.

Like I have said before, 8v8 CTF in blood gultch with all your friends crammed into one small room is what defines great gameing for me. That is the absolute apex of all gasmeing I have come to. I could point out so many moments when i was thinking "that was the best round of gaming ever." while playing halo with all my friends.

That's why I htink most of you'll don't like halo PC becuase the multiplayer isn't anyhting special when you aren't shouting at all your friends right next to you.