For fans of Italian horror soundtracks


Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score

You may remember that I posted some tracks from one of my projects, Goat, a while ago. Those who do will recall that it was a mix between dub/reggae and progressive rock.

So, Goat is not a band who play it safe in terms of sticking to what works (Day of the Rotten got radioplay in Norway). We're now pretty close to finishing our first full length album.

The record in question is a soundtrack to a fictional 70's giallo film from Italy. Think Goblin, Morricone, Claudio Simonetti.

Anyway, I just uploaded the main theme and also the title track onto our myspace. The record is called 'Fiumi di Sangue e Souno' which means Rivers of Blood and Sound. We're also releasing some viral **** on youtube, like lost clips from the movie and stuff, so keep an eye out for that too - they look pretty authentic!

Check out the first song:
Goblin were awesome. My now defunct keyboard band, Falling Bodies, originally formed with the intention of making zombie movie soundtrack music, but ended up going in more of a heavy psychedelic direction.

Good luck with your new release. That link you posted doesn't work, BTW.