For ****s sake peter! (spidey spoilers inside)


Jul 1, 2004
Reaction score

Is anyone else sick of mary jane serving as no more than just a lame plot device? Come on!

Anyway, just got back from the movie, enjoyed it...sick of the plot line though, I want more bad guys getting their asses kicked (and kicking ass while they're at it) and less of Pete falling in and out and in and out and in and out of love with Mary Jane. We get it now, he's conflicted, let's MOVE ON.

I give it 3 out of 5 stars...all 3 are for kickass fight scenes.
I thought it sucked.

Well, maybe SUCKED is a bit strong, but it was really really mediocore.
Just been to see it and it's totally Lame to much Mary Jane not enough fight scenes.
Pretty damn average movie.

That said, Jameson+Bruce made it a must see.
I thought the action was great, as the Jameson's buzzer scene.
But for the rest, the movie was all over the place, and in some instances it was hilariously bad.
Bruce Campbell
The two minutes of Venom
Hilarious emo Peter scenes. Especially the mask jazz scene. Amazing. And the thrust.
Soooo Goood
Painting of William Dafoe
I like all the scenes with Eddie Brock"
I forgive you for killing dozens of innocent civilians and cops because your daughter was sick'
Mary Jane getting punched
"I loved your father, and btw, I forgot to tell you, your father looked like he was puncutred by his glider, so maybe Spider Man didn't kill him, I forgot to tell you this before the 2+ years of wanting to kill Spider Man."

Quite possible the greatest movie ever.
I was really hoping for Venom to destroy Sandman in that dark alley encounter, then some epic Anakin VS Obi-Wan type standoff at the end with Spidey and Venom.

3/10 utter tedious rubbish from beginning to end.
Scores like that still confuse me. I don't see any reason you'd like the first two and not the third, or if you didn't like the first two then what did you expect? That and I find it hard to reconcile most of the complaints with the film I saw.
I liked it,not every movie has to be a LotR masterpiece.

Whose saying LotR trilogy was a masterpiece? The technical achievements were fantastic (Gollum and the scenery) and part 1 and 2 were well constructed, but the 3rd was god awful (surfing elves...shudders), and only got the best picture nod on the strength of the first 2.
I thoroughly enjoyed it, some things were a bit silly though.

Peter: Harry, come with me I need your help, I can't take both of them!

Harry: No, GET OUT NOW!

Peter: :( *leaves*

Will Harry ever come and rescue Spiderman just as he's about to die? You betcha.

Still really good action and special effects, and seeing Venom made the movie for me, I've always liked the character. Emo Peter Parker wearing black & eye liner was entertaining too.
This was easily the best of the 3. Yes, some parts like harry coming to save spiderman were obviously cheesy, but the movie overall was a much more interesting watch then the other two. Oh and if the plotline is getting sickening or boring, go read the comics.
God this movie sucked :|

This review pretty much summed up how I feel about the movie >_>

This was a movie with a few good parts sandwiched between so, so many bad parts.

For one thing, it wasn't too long, it was too ****ing dull. How many speeches did Aunt May give? Three? How many emotional crises does each character go through? Three or four? How long was it before we even saw him wearing the suit? Thirty minutes? Are you ****ing kidding me? I almost didn't even realize I was watching a superhero action movie at first, I thought I had somehow stumbled into Peter Parker's Boring Life and Relationship Woes.

I mean, let's just go over the villains. The villains.

Sandman: Origin scene, wherein he learns to put himself together? Neat, very cool idea. First fight scene? Awesome. Everything else after that? Boring, badly-written rehash scenes with weak action and stupidly predictable. Why did they even need to retcon him into being Uncle Ben's killer? His entire story could've been cut out, and the time given to developing Venom and it would've made the movie probably twice as interesting immediately.

Venom: I didn't think you could have less of a lazy beginning than a meteor landing, but then Eddie Brock makes his appearance something like forty minutes into the film, and is given the characterization of an asshole and little else. Not only that, but after he becomes Venom, he dies like fifteen minutes later. I was always under the impression he was stronger than Spiderman and immune to his spider-sense, yet they were evenly matched in all of their boring fight scenes and he was dispatched as quickly as he came. There was no point to him even being in the movie if he's completely undeveloped and killed off immediately.

Green Goblin II: Was Harry Osborne a comic book villain or a soap opera character? Revenge, amnesia, friendship, cheating, suddenly regains memory, evil again, then not evil? Characters this convoluted should take place over the span of like two years on Days Of Our Lives, not a two-hour action movie.

Not only that, but even the 'funny' scenes weren't up to par. Bruce Campbell's cameo was amazing, but man, after Peter gets the symbiote, and we seriously see like three different wacky scenes of him dancing/being an asshole? By the time he goes into the suit store then comes out dancing, I just wanted to grab Sam Raimi and scream "The joke is ****ing DEAD." And does anyone give enough of a **** about Mary Jane's emotional turmoil to have like a quarter of the movie be just about that, including three different scenes of Kirsten Dunst proving her inability to sing?

Again, a little bit of very cool action and concepts, spaced inbetween two hours of underdeveloped, poorly-written overly-complicated storytelling.
This is exactly what I was expecting. A big CGI film fest with a lame love drama. I still expected it to do really good in the box office though for some odd random reason. :rolleyes: Waiting for it to come out on DirecTV or the internet. Now what I will go see and watch is that new POTC3 movie coming out at the end of this month.
Most of the complaints seem to be directed at things that makes it so faithful to the spirit of the comics. So I think a lot of people just don't like Spiderman or superhero comics as much as they thought.
Thats a complaint I can actually give some credence too, even if I don't necessarily agree.
This film HAS to be a collosal in-joke or something. Me and my friends couldn't help but giggle hysterically whenever Peter showed up with his little emo hair parting. Just a quick look in the mirror and SWISH! I'm a 15 year old cocky dickface!

And yes, needs more VENOM. He's the reason I even watched the ****ing thing.
Wasnt there a lot more venom goo at the beginning?
Dr. Conners has a sample of the symbiote, so there's still SOME hope. Plus the symbiote has regenerative abilities, so maybe it didn't get completely destroyed and a piece of it slipped away somehow.

I can only hope :|
Most of the complaints seem to be directed at things that makes it so faithful to the spirit of the comics. So I think a lot of people just don't like Spiderman or superhero comics as much as they thought.
I love Spiderman, but I don't remember there being an emo Spidey. I also don't remember him crying every two seconds. And I don't remember Venom getting killed right after he's born.

I have a problem with poorly done superhero films, not superheroes in general.
People in my theater (including me) were literally laughing when Peter and Mary-Jane were "crying" over Harry dying. So, so bad...
Why would the butler just forget to tell him that through all the time he was planning on killing Spiderman?
Dr. Conners has a sample of the symbiote, so there's still SOME hope. Plus the symbiote has regenerative abilities, so maybe it didn't get completely destroyed and a piece of it slipped away somehow.

I can only hope :|
Is Conners the guy who becomes The Lizard?
Is Conners the guy who becomes The Lizard?

Indeedie. I was hoping for the Lizard this time, as they'd already set up Doc Conners last time. Maybe in a future spidey film, along with the whole Man-Spider thing perhaps.