For some reason they locked the tunnels fsaa thread.

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Originally posted by MaDMaXX
Whats your point?

Still discussing the AA-issue

Well, it doesn't look like there's AA in there, but from my experience, 2x AA isn't always that visible. and there are some edges that don't look like they're all that jagged, while there are some that are.

My opinion os that there isn't any AA though. Someone mentioned that perhaps they just recorded the video at a lower resolution, and then blew it up to fullscale 1024x576 like the other videos... I really don't see a reason for that... but who knows, these Valve-guys are some enigmas, aren't they?
Yeah it must be because of the resolution because there is no way that game was running at 1024.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Yeah it must be because of the resolution because there is no way that game was running at 1024.

based on what exactly? I don't think there was such a big difference in resolution, if there ever was any at all. Perhaps 800x540, or higher (is possible). I really don't see a reason why they would to it that way, but I guess it's possible...
Because it was ugly.

It was full of jaggies and im hoping the detail levels were not on high.
You can clearly see that they didnt sized it up.
If they did, it would have to be pixelized, not un-AA'd.
Ok then, I hope the game runs in 2040 then because thats what my monitor runs at.
wow i want your monitor that goes up to 2024

i think u mean 1024x768 which is kinda a standard resolution for games i doubt anyone will play hl2 at higher res than that unless they are very rich bastards. also why does everyone care so much about aa the game looks great and i doubt most of your pcs could even handle it
Originally posted by upbeat27
wow i want your monitor that goes up to 2024

i think u mean 1024x768 which is kinda a standard resolution for games i doubt anyone will play hl2 at higher res than that unless they are very rich bastards. also why does everyone care so much about aa the game looks great and i doubt most of your pcs could even handle it

Thanks but i know what I ****ing run my desktop at.

I also run all my games at this resolution except UT2003 because it doesnt go that high.
Mr.Magnetichead: Chill out! He never said you didn't run your desktop in 2024 (2048 anyone?) although it's not very common for games to even support resolutions that high. seemed a tad incredible, that's all.

as for HL2 specifically, I think they'll support fairly large screen resolutions. It's a very forward kind of game, and I'd imagine that they'd want to push things as far as possible.
Originally posted by upbeat27
wow i want your monitor that goes up to 2024

i think u mean 1024x768 which is kinda a standard resolution for games i doubt anyone will play hl2 at higher res than that unless they are very rich bastards. also why does everyone care so much about aa the game looks great and i doubt most of your pcs could even handle it

I run a 1.7ghz athlon along with a 1024 mb (1 gig) of DDR ram and have a geforce 4 ti 4400.

Im upgrading to a Barton 3.2 ghz processer and a radeon 9800 graphics card in order to play half life 2 to its full potential.

I also have 7.1 surround sound with 7 speakers.
Originally posted by Nathaniel
Mr.Magnetichead: Chill out! He never said you didn't run your desktop in 2024 (2048 anyone?) although it's not very common for games to even support resolutions that high. seemed a tad incredible, that's all.

as for HL2 specifically, I think they'll support fairly large screen resolutions. It's a very forward kind of game, and I'd imagine that they'd want to push things as far as possible.

Yes he did, he assumed I didnt know my own screen resolution.

No, games DO support resolutions that high, but if your monitor cannot handle those resoultions they do not show up on the resolution list in your settings.

Thats why this guy thinks games only go upto 1024, because thats all his monitor goes upto.

Hell I even run Quake 3 in 2048 and thats nearly 6 years old.
That's quite impressive, although I would think it's pretty hard to find the HUD... :p

I'm getting myself a radeon 9600 Pro pretty soon, and I'll be sure to crank it up to maximum res and test it out :)
Even teh first HL supports upto 1600 by 1280, thats what I run it at.
I thought you said you played "all" your games in 2048, except ut2k3? :p

want to set your story straight?

I think we can abort this discussion now, we all agree games can be played in high-res. let's go back to the AA-issue at hand.

Does anyonew feel they would want to e-mail Gabe or Valve and ask about this? I've sent a few mails to Gabe, but I'm starting to think he's avoiding me :(
I think gabes sick of issues reguarding AA and FSA

The HL res thing was a genuine msitake, I have about 20 games on this comp atm and I cant rmemeber all their settings off by heart. :p

EDIT: Actually, i'll ask him, whats his email?
I used to run games on my old 22" IIyama at 2048xwhatever but it was ridiculous you could barely see the hud and as for running windows in that res well I just found that stupid. Maybe your monitor is bigger than 22" but you must get a poor refresh rate and it can't be good for your eyes.

The best thing to do is get a nice 18.1" TFT and run everything at 1280x1024 ;p

My friend has that =)
18" flat tft lcf (yadda yadda) mag monitor :)
hes a rich bastard
ritcH: that sounds sweet, but only if we are what your nickname says... myself, I got an old Compaq screen which goes up to 1152 @ 75Hz, which is the absolute rock bottom minimum for me. unfortunately, I think it's beginning do die on me, so I guess I'll have to save up for a new screen soon...
60hz and I have no problems with my eyes at all, in fact its more comfortable to look at then a lower resolution with a higher resfresh rate.
This is going off-topic again. I don't think we can cover any more ground on this matter, anyway. Closed.
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