For somereason its running on dx8 now...why?


Ghod of Lux

It was running fine before on dx9c and now that i look at it, it says its running on dx8. Why is that, it wont let me change it also.
Is it running fine on DX8? Or are there new problems that have risen?
no its just that i want it to run on dx9 and im not sure how to get it back.
I have a 9600 pro 256mb card, it was running dx9. I wanted to try my friends confige file out so i did, i didnt like the way it looked so i deleted the config file that he gave me. Now its all screwed up. Is there anyway i can get back dx9 and all the other graphic settings to the way they were?
Well, number one, the game runs better in DirectX8 mode anyways -- more FPS. You really don't see a difference in the quality so it's all good. But no, you cannot get your "exact" settings back unless you remember them.