For those of u who have played both games hl2 and halo 2

May 12, 2004
Reaction score
is it true that halo 2 is better than half life 2 ? I can believe it, but gamespot gave halo 2 a 9,4 and 9,2 only to half life 2.

I'm getting the game this weekend if it's possible
I think halflife2 blows halo 2 out of the water. ( and yes i have both games)
For story halflife but for gameplay action halo2. For puzzles halflife 2. I even set hl2 to hard but the game is really easy! Halo 2 is only easy at the beggining of the game.
It pretty much boils down to this:
For the best single player experience ANYWHERE--- Half Life 2
For cool and varied multiplayer--- Halo 2

BTW CS:S is cool and all, but I kinda got sick of Ct a while ago. Im waiting for TF2
Lemme break it down:

Category winners in my book
Graphics : HL2
Story: (Not quite through HL2 yet - 11th Chapter - I'm disappointed in the lack of story so far in HL2)Halo 2
Feel: HL2
Gameplay: Halo 2 (HL2's AI disappointed me - HL1's was better - way too easy - I like vehicles but I thought the buggy part lasted too long in HL2 - vehicles are also pretty plain in HL2)
MP: Halo 2 (HL2 doesn't have yeah...)
Newbie's Journey said:
is it true that halo 2 is better than half life 2 ? I can believe it, but gamespot gave halo 2 a 9,4 and 9,2 only to half life 2.

I'm getting the game this weekend if it's possible

Not again :/

Both games are so different. And why the need to compare them??

Basically, you want to hear people say that HL2 is better than Halo 2 ;) ... and that's what you'll get on a pc forum devoted to HL2.
I mean really valve, how hard is it to throw together a simple Half life 2 deathmatch mp.
urseus said:
I mean really valve, how hard is it to throw together a simple Half life 2 deathmatch mp.

theyre leaving it to modders since it is that easy.

Anyway the gameplay and source engine destroys what halo 2 has to offer. Cant wait for the mods to start popping out, thats when HL2 will really shine (not that it already doesnt)
I know that, but for most people dont really like counterstrike all that much, and play it because its mp source. Its still just the same counterstrike with better graphics.

Tiny deathmatch mods are all well and good for somone to knock together untill real mods come out (like next year sometime) but the problem is that there will be dozens of deathmatch mp mods, and everyone wont be playing the same one, meaning the numbers wont be there.
Tho even compare the pyle of shit they call Halo 2 with this masterpiece is madness..
While I haven't finished hl2, I'm just past half-way, and the game play is much better in hl2. But the big catch for me is the fact that halo2's MP is the shit. I don't care if you like consoles or not. halo2's MP owns almost every PC game out right now. And while SP is very important, MP is what I stick around for. So as it stands as this moment, halo 2 is a better overall game IMO.
Halo 2 was pretty cool, but it has zero replay value....

Unfortunetly I don' have xbox live so I dont know what the mp is like :(

Whats even more unfortunate then that is I have to wait 2 weeks before i can get Half-Life 2 because I don't have a credit card, I live in a small town with no means of transportation and money is tight because my parents bought a house. :(

I'm so sad..............
I haven't beat HL2 yet, but I still hold a very big grudge against Bungie for leaving out so much of the storyline and leaving such a cliffhangar on the ending. Very tacky.

I prefer Half-Life 2 over Halo 2. But if anything, get them both. Both are very well done. Elites, Combies, Energy swords, and gravity guns. They're all deadly. Isn't that the point?
I dont think Halo is even in my top 5 honestly...
Its a good game no doubt. I have beaten both of HALOs but I guess I always failed to see what the hubub was about. I was always bothered by the fact that all the armour and weapons were friggin purple and teal it's like the game was rated PG or something heh. The gameplay was good and the Halo 2 graphics were a big imporvement but i guess I could never put my finger on it but somthing bugged me about the childish style of it. I mean it's a sci fi SHOOTER and all...

I think all of these games are as good as or better than halo:
Half-life (all)
Far Cry
Call of Duty
Return to Castle Wolfenstien
Battlefield 1942 (and Desert Combat)
Max Payne 2
Octavian said:
I haven't beat HL2 yet, but I still hold a very big grudge against Bungie for leaving out so much of the storyline and leaving such a cliffhangar on the ending. Very tacky.

Hahaha...prepare for a new grudge (sorta).

EDIT: Not to mention the fact that Halo 2 actually has more story development than HL2 (not biased - it's just a fact)
Warbie said:
Not again :/

Both games are so different. And why the need to compare them??

Basically, you want to hear people say that HL2 is better than Halo 2 ;) ... and that's what you'll get on a pc forum devoted to HL2.

exactly lol if you really want a good comparison search un-biased websites that dont have the name of the game in the web add lol obviously on here you will get hl2 wins and on halo website ppl will tell u halo wins, its the nature of the beast :)

but in my personal opinion its hard to compare the two really, as different formats and all, if halo was made purley as a pc title i think halo would win, but becuase its on xbox its limited etc.. but in my opinion hl2 owns it :) and no im not a fan boy blah blah, its just better. But GTASA will win game of the year no doubt about it
Both games are good, period. And I will more likely replay Halo 2 on legendary (different game, completely) than HL2 in hard (normal now)...
I haven`t played Halo 2 yet but I never liked the first one...
And I also failed to see what was so cool about it (don`t know, maybe it is only for console gamers?). Halo isn`t even on my top 10 list.
Warbie said:
Not again :/

Both games are so different. And why the need to compare them??

Basically, you want to hear people say that HL2 is better than Halo 2 ;) ... and that's what you'll get on a pc forum devoted to HL2.

I really dont get it when people try to say that they are very different games. Well there both FPS. I just think people cant except the fact when a game is better than a game they would have liked to be better or the majority go for the one they dont like.

Another thing is valve say the source engine can be updated easy, technology wise so they may come out with some updates on AI and stuff as its not as hot as expected, maybe give HL grunt AI to the combine unless they arent ment to be as smart as humans.

The thing about HL2 story is its more action than talk, instead of hearing stuff the story is more played out through playing the game. I also liked the way its gets darker and lighter as the levels pass. I would have thought people would have prefered the story to be played out like that than basicly listening to some one read a book not that that is bad.

I wouldnt give GTA SA goty because i just didnt feel it should, it is one of the best games this year but there was just somin about it probably because its basicly GTA VC but with a larger map and more detail added but really all you needed was GTA VC with a new map and it would have been cool anyway. Since the original 3 areas from GTA are used i wonder whats next it needs to be somin big, maybe a mmog.
I don't like Halo or Halo 2 because the story is terrible and the mp really isn't as great as people say..I seem to remember playing it several years back...what was it called...oh yeah...Tribes.
Halo's MP is nothing like Tribes (not even remotely). Where did you get that idea?
Half-Life 2 kicks Halo 2's arse. I have both.
-JeZ- said:
Half-Life 2 kicks Halo 2's arse. I have both.

So do I, and disagree :)

Both are great for very different reasons. It all depends on your personal tatses and what you want from a video game.

Do you want uber hard combat that requires weeks/months of practise to master, or a super immersive story that draws you right into the game and doesn't let go?

Personally, I prefer apples.
I don't know what your talking about with the AI it's better then in halo 2's halos AI all it doe's is run into you and try and killl you no tatics in half-life they throw gernades to lure you out into the open they have even fanlked me one time im impressed.
Deadly200 said:
I don't know what your talking about with the AI it's better then in halo 2's halos AI all it doe's is run into you and try and killl you no tatics in half-life they throw gernades to lure you out into the open they have even fanlked me one time im impressed.

You obviously haven't played on any difficulty level above normal in Halo (which is the 'training setting' .. anything below it is for toddlers)
Half-life 2 beats Halo 2, but Halo 2 is a worthy opponent
Halo 2 SP can't compete with HL2 SP its just amazing. But I really enjoy playing Halo 2 on XBL. Something about it, make it really enjoyable. Now we will see how much Halo 2 is when DOD:S comeout. Im a big WW2 FPS person. I really enjoy COD and COD:UO, if they only had ragdoll and physics in them they would be awsome.
if there was no/crappy physics in hl2 i'd say it would be a tie prolly.

however are sooooo amazing imo and make way better then halo.

also in terms of story, sure the halo plot might be more complicated (maybe not though), there are definitely way cooler events in hl2 that really make you think "wow" and laugh.

if hl2 had/gets a nice hl2dm them there would be no competition imo
Warbie said:
So do I, and disagree :)

Both are great for very different reasons. It all depends on your personal tatses and what you want from a video game.

Do you want uber hard combat that requires weeks/months of practise to master, or a super immersive story that draws you right into the game and doesn't let go?

Personally, I prefer apples.

just stop trying to say that they are two very different games and accept defeat. Its just a weak attempt at trying to give Halo 2 more support. HL2 is better than Halo 2.

The thing about HL2 story is you basicly dunno whats going on then it ends, basicly the whole game was pretty much a cliff hanger. Alot of the stuff you see near the end in the citadel you see for like a few seconds and hear or see nothing further on them.
ViolenceJack said:
just stop trying to say that they are two very different games and accept defeat. Its just a weak attempt at trying to give Halo 2 more support. HL2 is better than Halo 2.

How can I argue with such logic?

You're right, oranges are better.
ViolenceJack said:
just stop trying to say that they are two very different games and accept defeat. Its just a weak attempt at trying to give Halo 2 more support. HL2 is better than Halo 2.

Why is it so hard for people to accept that other games could possibly be as good or better than their beloved Half-Life? It's not perfect, both games have their drawbacks. They both deserve the attention they're getting. What's the point in having such a biased view of the world?
madacian said:
Why is it so hard for people to accept that other games could possibly be as good or better than their beloved Half-Life? It's not perfect, both games have their drawbacks. They both deserve the attention they're getting. What's the point in having such a biased view of the world?

Its the fact that people are trying to say they are 2 completely different games when there clearly not. The only real major difference is the platform.