For those on the North East Coast....

Nov 23, 2004
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So how much snow didja get? :D. I heard on the news a record of 29.7 inches or something in my area. And of course, no school for me n_n.

...Does...anyone else live in the North East? In America?
I live in NY, but we didn't get a ton. Just a lot last week. Still nothing to get out of school though. :(
Mail me snow please. I miss it. Snow is the best.
in the southeast (mainly Florida) we got a TON of rain the past few weeks, yesterday we had a lake in our backyard, i was able to take a canoe out for awhile :D
Kamikazie said:
in the southeast (mainly Florida) we got a TON of rain the past few weeks, yesterday we had a lake in our backyard, i was able to take a canoe out for awhile :D

Whoa really o__o.
Here in Northern VA we didn't get much (6 inches maybe?), but it was still enough for our paranoid school sytem to cancel school. This is the first snow that we've gotten since November-ish too.
I got about 8.5 inches here in southern MD.And so far we only have a 2hr delay.what a jip :(
north carolina didn't get shit. we haven't had any snow this whole damn winter.
Ennui said:
north carolina didn't get shit. we haven't had any snow this whole damn winter.
Snow sucks ass, Ennui. :|

I got 3 inches in upstate NY. NYC got like 2 feet, which is some sort of record.
I live near Lowell and I got a foot. I hope they delay or better yet, cancel school tommorow! :D
I live right next to Boston and got maybe 1-1.5 feet. Here's hoping for no school tomorrow!
Erestheux said:
Snow sucks ass, Ennui. :|

I got 3 inches in upstate NY. NYC got like 2 feet, which is some sort of record.
i like snow, it's the only reason it should ever be cold.

cold without snow is annoying and horrible :(
We got an even 2 feet where I live. I hat lots of fun shoveling it all out of my driveway earlier.


edit: To everyone else who lives in New England, we're having school tomorrow. The cities have had plenty of time to plow the roads. Unless the snow sorta melts, then re-freezes during the night, we'll be going.
There's been pretty much no snow in the GTA for the last two months... :(
shadow6899 said:
eresthux where in upstate do u live? me and miccy live in syracuse. we got pounded for like 3 days in a row and least a couple feet, maybe 3.
I live in two places. One is further southeast than you, and the other is in Rochester. I have to drive to Rochester tomorrow. Shit.
I'm in Atlantic Canada, so we're used to a lot of snow generally, plus we only got by the looks of it 6 inches, so I won't be missing any school. I'm still praying, but I sincerely doubt it.
It was 82 degrees today. It is supposed to be winter. My city hasn't had snow since like 40 years ago or somthing. We had hail a couple times when I was a kid.
Ennui said:
north carolina didn't get shit. we haven't had any snow this whole damn winter.

Not true, we've got at least 6 inches up here in Boone.
I'm in PA and we were supposed to get a lot but it didn't happen. I took a trip up to Erie to visit my friend and they didnt get hit either (Erie gets lake effect snow and they're usually buried in the stuff).
I'm in Missouri, and I got less than an inch of snow! WEEEE

bvasgm said:
edit: To everyone else who lives in New England, we're having school tomorrow. The cities have had plenty of time to plow the roads. Unless the snow sorta melts, then re-freezes during the night, we'll be going.
Awww hell, what the **** do I know...

SNOW DAY **** YEAH **** YEAH **** YEAH!!!
I'm in Boston, we have a 1.9 feet of snow of here... No school for the next 3 days :D!

I had to shovel a path to the cars :|... took me an hour and a half. x.x
Hows this..Im in NY. 99 school districts were closed or delayed out of 100 districts here. And guess who had to go to school today at regular time. It was so ridiculous...we should have at least had a delay.. I almost tripped about 6 times leaving my house on ice. It was ice and snow everywhere and the bus drove at about 3 mph to the school
**** you guys. Belmont got just as much snow as everyone else, but our superintendent sucks cock, so we got a one-hour day. :x

Well, at least I got to go ghettoboarding last night (sliding on thin layers of powder with an old skateboard deck)
Mother Nature dumped on us, causing a two-hour delay. This town sucks.
I come from the American Siberia(western New York), you people have nothing on us most of the time. It's funny hearing people say its the end of the world when there is only a foot on the ground. :p
I want snow :( It hasn't snowed here since last november, and that was just a little sprinkle of snow.
Damn Global warming :(
Boo! I thought you were talking about the North east in dear old England! :| :P