For those who choose Hard difficulty...


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Did you start again?

I just restarted on medium because I kept getting killed on Hard every 2 minutes. There was barely any EVE hypo or First-Aid kits laying around and I just gave up. :(
Yeah I restarted on medium as well. I got to Arcadia on hard but I was broke and out of ammo, no adam, no nothing. Medium turned out to be really easy in comparison afterwards, I always had 500$ and had to spend it on stuff I didn't really need.

I think they kinda messed up on the difficulty levels to be honest.
I'm a save freak so I just reloaded whenever I died and ended up with plenty of ammo since I used all the melee/wrench plasmids. I even had the freeze wrench so high I could technically kill a big daddy with the wrench just by constantly freezing it and doing low damage, though it would take about 4 minutes of straight hitting through the ice (dmg buffer) and he'd have to be alone.
I started on medium and restarted on medium. I didnt realize the importance of collecting as much as possible. Plus the splicers get much more difficult and simply having alot of pistol ammo is of little help.
Nope was hard for the 1st 2-4 hours after that i have 500$ full ammo full hypo full med kits. Games are to easy these days. I was doing a perfect ****ing run until i lost my ****ing saves!
I did my first run on hard and I kind of regret it, but normal is quite easy. Sticking to hard now that I've figured it out.
I'm glad I played medium first - had a nice tour through Rapture (training, if you will). I'll take a stab at hard next. The whole game I was worried about running low on resources (like Ken Levine said we would), but I was armed to the teeth throughout much of the later parts of the game.
Medium is a bit easy, I barely if ever died and was always stocked up on everything. Going through on hard now and enjoying it alot more. Personally I think it's perfect (so far, only up to Arcadia) - luurvs me a challenge :)
I'm a save freak so I just reloaded whenever I died.

I also did that, and I have no idea why. I guess just to try having a "flawless" run through the game.

In any case, I'm going through on medium, mostly because it will give me a challenge to look forward to when I try hard. If your first run was on hard, sure you could have bragging rights but now you either can have the same experience on hard, or a much easier experience on easy or medium.

(P.S. Easy is rediculous. Unless you have liitle to no shooter experience I dont recommend it)
I've just started it on Hard, and although I'm not far into it (just had my first Big Daddy) I find it nicely pitched. That big daddy fight took pretty much all of my nice ammo (and I reloaded a couple of times), but I had enough money afterwards to be able to stock up again. I'm constantly short on Eve, but very rarely short on health packs. I've also decided to only rescue the girls, not harvest them, so I guess that the Adam situation is going to be insanely tight later on.
I've just started it on Hard, and although I'm not far into it (just had my first Big Daddy) I find it nicely pitched. That big daddy fight took pretty much all of my nice ammo (and I reloaded a couple of times), but I had enough money afterwards to be able to stock up again. I'm constantly short on Eve, but very rarely short on health packs. I've also decided to only rescue the girls, not harvest them, so I guess that the Adam situation is going to be insanely tight later on.

Actually I've found myself with more ADAM whilst saving the sisters than harvesting them. They leave sometimes upto 200 ADAM in the gifts at the Gatherers Garden, so whilst I'm sure it all adds up to the same in the long run, I've been finding myself with upwards of 380 ADAM to spend in one sitting - something I never did whilst harvesting them. But then it also comes down to how often you use the machines, but even so, I didn't use them much on my first run through... Hmm...
I've done the math, and if it keeps going as it does, then you end up with slightly less for saving them, even with the bonuses. The pattern seems to be a bonus for every 3 sisters saved (though I've only gotten 2 so far, might become rarer later on), so that makes it -

Harvesting: 160 x 3 = 480

Saving: 80 x 3 + (bonus) 200 = 440

But then the gift packages also come with extra plasmids and special ammo, which honestly I'd prefer. On my first run-through I found myself needing the gatherer's garden less and less in the later levels, once I had all my slots and enough health/eve, and the select few plasmids that I stuck with, I didn't bother with the rest.
It is getting easier the more I play through the game on Hard. At first I was out of a lot of resources and had to hunt for stuff a lot. I have not finished yet. But I plan to play through again but after I finish on Hard. ;)
I played a bit further and the second Big Daddy in the game (the first Rosie) made mincemeat out of me, my turrets, and the surrounding splicers about a dozen times ;( although it should be noted that my choice of plasmids for that section was abysmal. I thought I was doing pretty well on hard...that fight just made me reconsider. I'll see how the next Big Daddy fight goes...
The first Rosie in Neptune's Bounty ****ed me up too, but after that it got a little easier. I say a little, as in not dying. Rosies still eat through my ammo and health packs unless I have a way to get them down FAST, though. Plus they kill turrets in 1-2 shots D:
I'm playing on hard right now just brute forcing my way through it since dying really doesn't matter. I already played through realistically on medium though.
The first Rosie in Neptune's Bounty ****ed me up too, but after that it got a little easier. I say a little, as in not dying. Rosies still eat through my ammo and health packs unless I have a way to get them down FAST, though. Plus they kill turrets in 1-2 shots D:
Yeah, the 2 Rosies I've killed since then have been slightly easier, mainly thanks to the acquisition of the grenade launcher and lots of electric buck lying around. Splicers are becoming much more of a problem tbh. Anyway I'm more or less settled into Hard Mode now.
I got to the end on Normal, without dying or evencoming close to death. Once I reached the first Splicer on hard I was brought down to less than 25% health.

I gave up there.
I got to the end on Normal, without dying or evencoming close to death. Once I reached the first Splicer on hard I was brought down to less than 25% health.

I gave up there.
I remember having a similar experience when I first started the game on Hard.

I played the demo a few times on medium, so I'd grown used to bringing that first splicer down in a couple of smacks. On Hard, he took like 5 or 6 before he went down, and chased me all over the place before he dropped. Then they get much harder ;( Aiming for the head is very important on Hard, especially with the Big Daddies.
I'd be worried about reaching Olympus Heights on Hard, as the Leadhead's with the tommy guns are suddenly ridiculously hard to take down, what with the shortage of anti-personal rounds compared to standard machine gun ammo.
Hard mode is awesome. I'm being pushed resource-wise alot more than on medium, and the battles with splicers are actually tense, instead of "eletro-shock, steel-tip bolt to head, move on", or in the case of a group, bees and tommy. I'm actually having to improvise alot more and use all of my plasmids this time, where I was able to rely heavily on my guns and just shoot everything up the first time through. Now I'm always hacking vending machines to buy those few crucial eve hypos I can't find lying around (though I haven't found myself too short on cash).

Oh, big tip for hard mode, atleast early on: use telekinesis where possible. It costs a rediculously small amount of eve, and if you use large enough objects it does a good amount of damage. Also, while you're holding something (non-explosive, that is), it doubles as a bit of cover until you throw it.
I just got the game and started on hard. Im only just past the medical center part, but I havent died once yet. I still have 7 medkits, but im always out of eve. I am decently stocked ammo-wise, but it could be better.
Hard mode is awesome. I'm being pushed resource-wise alot more than on medium, and the battles with splicers are actually tense, instead of "eletro-shock, steel-tip bolt to head, move on", or in the case of a group, bees and tommy. I'm actually having to improvise alot more and use all of my plasmids this time, where I was able to rely heavily on my guns and just shoot everything up the first time through. Now I'm always hacking vending machines to buy those few crucial eve hypos I can't find lying around (though I haven't found myself too short on cash).

Oh, big tip for hard mode, atleast early on: use telekinesis where possible. It costs a rediculously small amount of eve, and if you use large enough objects it does a good amount of damage. Also, while you're holding something (non-explosive, that is), it doubles as a bit of cover until you throw it.

Totally agree with Bad Hat. After finishing the game on medium, hard is much more of a challenge, requiring me to use my plasmids way more often. Just took on my first Big Daddy in the Medical Center and I'm happy to say I didnt die at all (of course this meant reloading a save once so it was a hollow victory).

I have much less money now, mostly because I spend it all stocking up on ammo and EVEs. As others have said headshots are VITAL to kill splicers quickly (even the wrench has a headshot!) Also, telekinesis is very useful to kill splicers fast. A favourite past-time of mine is to pick up corpses (Big Daddy corpses work best) and chuck them at other people. So far that either gets a one hit kill, or only a quarter health left. Good luck to those willing to attempt hard mode! ;)