For Wii owners only: what do you think about it so far?

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Sep 13, 2006
Reaction score
Hello. _ Can you tell us what you think about the Wii so far? Are the graphics as prevgen as the media made them out to be? Are the controllers as easy to use as the media made them out to be? Is it as easy to aim with the Wiimote as it is to aim with a mouse? And last but not least, what is the "surprise" that Nintendo had about the Wii that it would not reveal until launch?
I can only answer the last question - there never was a big suprise. Various journalists received Wiis early, that is all. Being the interent we all know and love, this was blown out of all proportion and many people bought into the hype.
There is no surprise, Reggie confirmed that the isnt any more surprises (well, actually... theres one more :o).
I have only had about 2 hours of gametime since i bought the thing on sunday but ill tell you what I know.

Graphics are a step up from last gen and zelda is the closest thing to a graphical showcase nintendo has for the wii. though keep in mind that launch games will not use the full power of the system. They are noticeably weaker than the graphics on the 360 and ps3.

the controllers are very easy to use and it feels just like a mouse would in the same situation. the weight and ergonomics have been done well, though nintendo kinda screws you by making you buy a $20 nunchuck attachement each time you buy a new controller.

I am not sure of the surprise you speak of.......

In general though, it is too early to tell how the wii will turn out and im sure playing wii sports will be more fun with four people to throw wiimotes at.
So far I'm having a great time playing the Wii. Wii sports is very fun and shows a lot of uses for the controls, but again it is a free game here in the US, so don't expect much in terms of depth.

I also picked up Zelda and am about 2 hours into the game. The game starts somewhat slow but really becomes very interesting when the story kicks in.

As for the graphics, well Wii Sports and Zelda aren't the most graphical games at launch, as one is essentially a controller demo and the other is a gamecube game. Zelda does look great, but it is not quite at a next-gen level.

I must say I was worried about the controls a bit, but they really are outstanding. The sword fighting doesn't add much but swinging the remote does make you feel more into the game. The aiming on screen is incredibly precise and allows for quick action against enemies. I wouldn't say it's as easy as a mouse, but it's very close.

Lastly, there was no last surprise, that was just a rumor.

All in all I am absolutely in love with the system.
So far so awesome. :P

Since everybody's talking about Zelda I'll make some mini impressions on Wii Sports.

Bowling so far is my favorite. The mini-game where there's barriers you have to get around to hit a few pins is tough and a lot of fun. The game where you have to keep knocking down more and more and more pins is pretty cool too. I got up to over 100. It detects the twist of your hand really well (when I bowl I typically have a natural bit of right-spin on it - and that translates).

Tennis is pretty cool. I only have the 1 Wiimote so I can't play with friends. The mini games there are ok, nothing that interesting though. I like how it detects your motion though too. You can really underhand the ball and lob it way in the air, you can line drive it or even come down on it and kind of spike it (not too powerful, but still). I haven't played it enough to see if you can put any top or backspin on the ball...but I kinda doubt it.

Baseball is pretty basic. One of the mini games has you hit the ball on certain vectors in the field. I'm fine hitting forward, alright at pulling it to the inside, but hitting a little later into left field is impossible for me.

Golf is disappointing :( If you tend to practice swing in fluid motions not really stopping in between (just to get the proper backswing height and follow-through) the game might mess up on your 2nd or 3rd swing and not detect it. Also it's hard to gauge exactly how hard you're hitting it without perfectly mimicking your practice shot.

Boxing doesn't control as well as I think it should. It's fun to play around on but one of the minigames requires you to hit the instructor's mitts and I couldn't get accurate punches at all. I hit him so many times. Also the dodging seems a little flaky.

Summary - Bowling = WIN :D
^ good impressions. Bowling looks like great fun, and is the main reason i'm looking forward to Wii Sports. The fact that the Wiimote picks up on your natural pull to the right is pretty awesome :)
Just got the system yesterday morning and I set it up at about 12:30 in the afternoon. My brother, his friend, and I played the system until about 8:30 in the evening when I stopped to do some school work. The system rocks. I have Zelda and Wii Sports, but we spent most of the time playing Wii Sports. I haven't had that much fun playing video games in a long time. Multiplayer tennis is probably the best, but golf is also fun with a group. I have not much fun with bowling. Granted, it does accurately detect your movements, but it's still plain ol' bowling, which isn't one of my favorite sports.
Zelda is a lot of fun and, like others have said, the graphics are impressive, but only by Gamecube standards. I can't wait to see what the Wii is really capable of. I have only played about one and a half hours of Zelda, but I have no doubt that it will be great!
In general, the system controls very well. It's precise and intuitive. I have a lot of faith in the future of the Wii.
Amazing. I have Call of Duty 3, Madden 07, Zelda, and of course, Wii Sports. I haven't spent a lot of time on one given game, but they are all a blast to play. Wii Sports is a ton of fun, but requires a lot of physical movement, so I wouldn't recommend playing it with a lot of friends while drunk in a small space (even though I know it will happen with me and my roommates.) Call of Duty takes some getting used to, but it's still a great time. I never liked a Madden game before, but this version really puts you in the game. And Zelda is, well, it's Zelda. Of course it's awesome.

I camped out for the system for 12 hours, taking notes on what I saw. I had an interesting night, and will hopefully post my experience when I can.
I can't wait for Wii sports to be developed into individual titles, I'm sure some company will take it on.
I'm with you Mutley.
Boxing is the coolest thing ever. I rock at Tennis. I honestly might htink about picking up a Wii Tennis game if one comes out.

My friend got his at Target, was pretty funny. He woke up late and didn't get to Wal-Mart so he called it was sold out. He drives over to target, gets out of his car.... 5 minutes later....the manager came out and handed him the first ticket.

Everyone else was still in there cars waiting probably since the day before.
For the people who have played Wii Sports/Games, are the motions "with you" or do certain movements trigger actions in the game?
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