For you internet explorer users...

Did you actually try that link with IE? I minimized firefox and tried that link in IE7 and nothing. Might crash IE6 though.
Yea tried it with IE7 in Vista and does nothing :\
Fail of epic proportions.

(I don't use IE, but I DID test the link)
Would make sense, IE6 was terrible regarding code. We need someone with IE6 to test the link!
I use to work at a callcenter, and our program was only compatible with IE or IE tabbing. The page actually responded faster and worked better when you used IE tabbing in Firefox, instead of actually using IE itself.
IE6 crashed for me, but only this page and obviously the page that loaded. My other pages that I had open in IE were fine :D

I'm using IE6 because I am at work
I use firefox at work, because IE likes to allow all sorts of dirty little trojans. :( *speaking from personal least FF allows for virus free pr0n surfin while at work!8
it doesn't do anything to firefox even if you don't have noscript :p