Forced CS:S preloads

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
From His Imperial Gabeness:

People can do it, but it's kind of a goofy thing to do since pre-loading doesn't give you the authentication necessary to play. It's like having a copy of an encrypted file - you have it but you can't do anything with it without the right keys to decrypt it.

If people want to do it, they can, but it's no more exciting than going to someone's Steam installation and copying a cache file. And there are lots of other useless blobs of binary data people can download (e.g. the Catwoman trailer) that don't take away bandwidth from our content servers.

Cyber-Café's go live tomorrow.

So be told. If you do it, you're stupid.
im going to a cyber cafe tomorrow for like 10 hours yes im pumped

Bahaha.. Gabe owned Catwoman. :thumbs:
..I think. That's a funnily worded sentence, can't tell if he was mocking it. OH WELL!
thats cool, at least he didn't get all mad. so you can pre-loaded it but it will still be useless until sometime later this month unless your a Cyber Cafe'.
I'm confused...its a silly thing to preload the beta now?
Shuzer said:
Bahaha.. Gabe owned Catwoman. :thumbs:
..I think. That's a funnily worded sentence, can't tell if he was mocking it. OH WELL!
Yes, he was making fun of it. That's why he called it useless.
Bicka said:
I'm confused...its a silly thing to preload the beta now?
It's a silly thing to download it right now unless you're part of the cybercafe program. You can indeed preload it right this moment, but you still aint gonna get to play the game until later this month.
No it's not, just useless, since you can't do squat with it untill they "release" it by sending the code to you.
Of course it's silly. You can't use it unless you're in the cybercafe program, in which case you legitimately preloaded already. Same applies when it's time for the CZ owners. You won't gain anything by preloading now.
OCybrManO said:
Yes, he was making fun of it. That's why he called it useless.

yeah, nm, my brain crapped out on me and I forgot how to read when I edited my post.. ;(
like i said, he said you can (pre-load CS: S)but it still can't be used till later this month unless your a Cyber Cafe'.
Wow, today was a fun day. I come home and everyone is talking about "OMG im preloading CS:S and im not in a cafe"
it got me excited untill i released, oh, someone just made a command to let it preload.
Well I still wouldn't call it silly, just being more than adequately prepared.

I can't start the preload anyways. Apparently I'm not subscribed and my condition-zero is still telling me to download it in 'browse games'....ah well
is it bannable to ask how to do it then? i didnt wake up this morning till everyone already figured out how to do still in the dark on how to :'{

is it against the rules for someone to tell me how? if not could someone pls?
It's in at least two threads, one of which is locked. That should give you a clue.
lol there's no point in trying...VALVe has fixed the problem.
So we aren't meant to start preloading yet? Why not? I thought we were :$
cyber cafes are meant to now, cz n ati coupons are later.

Funny I just scratched off and entered my hl2 coupon key and its still saying i'm not subscribed. I'm starting to doubt whether this is working for anyone bar cyber cafes.
i think they fixed the problem so only cyber cafes can preload now...many ppl are reporting the method as not working now..whether you have cz or coupon
Someone must have a made a shortcut to the counter-strike source beta by rightclicking the icon in 'my games'. It tells you the applaunch no. in the shortcut.
Bicka said:
Someone must have a made a shortcut to the counter-strike source beta by rightclicking the icon in 'my games'. It tells you the applaunch no. in the shortcut.

Ah, clever. I understand now :cheese:
Quick, someone figure out the quicklaunch for HL2! :)
I'm still preloading and I don't think there is anything wrong with it. It just means you won't have to load it later the month when it unlocks for CZ owners.
Johan_Tayn said:
I'm still preloading and I don't think there is anything wrong with it. It just means you won't have to load it later the month when it unlocks for CZ owners.

did you just start preloading or did you start awhile ago? my reason for asking is because many people report that they cannot preload anymore as when you click "start preloading" steam says you cant because your not subscribed.
Shuzer said:
Quick, someone figure out the quicklaunch for HL2! :)
"C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 260
They've closed the loophole, though.
Funny how people want to know so they can try, after being told it doesn't work anymore :)
I was just thinking, could we get a sticky thread in the CSS section? for screenshots/media etc, im sure theres gonna be multiple sources of people making "I went to my local CC today AND ..." threads
If I start downloading now on my dial-up connection then maybe it will be done by the time they finally let you play it. :p
I bet CS:S beta is going to get hacked before CZ owners get to OFFICIALLY play it. :)
Naw the beta will b uploaded onto a website/ftp server n then we can all download it before its officially available 2 cz and ati voucher holders. Possibly by sum1 in the forums as i think some ppl, have already downloaded the file since the shortcut was found.
Looking back at CS and other games, I bet that everyone will be playing CS:S beta before ... wait I said that already. :)
hey saw this on a website, ne 1 got the beta file downloaded try this
C:\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 70 -game csource
seen it on a website, give it a go, who no's
yea, especially because csource means counter-source.
how can u force the preload if you CZ.... u cant .... u can only download the gcf right?