Forcing CS:S to run in native resolution?


Jul 16, 2003
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hey guys, how do i force cs:s (or any other steam game, for that matter....or ANY other game (like doom3)) to run in my native resolution? i'm on a small monitor right now so windows is only at 1024x768x85hz and most friggin games run at 1024x768x60hz...when i change to 1024x768 they won't run in the native windows res...which is irritating for many reasons.

anyway, anyway to force a game to run in the native res/refresh rate? rarely do i see a game that gives the option to change the refresh rate as well as the game resolution.

(vsync is set to always off)

ok update: cs:s seems to run in normal res...doesn't appear to flicker now that i set vsync to always off..doom3 still runs at 60hz though ahh....

wellp, any replies are still appreciated.

i wanna have this resolved by


My resolution just doesn't save. It tries to run in 800x600 when i want 1024x768. I set it and when i restart its back to 800x600
You need something like Rage 3D Tweak to force ATI cards to use a specific refresh rate. There are loads of fixes for nVidia cards too, or were when I last needed to look. Since I haven't had one for a couple of years I'm not sure what people are currently using...

I can't believe M$ in their infinite wison still think that people are using monitors that can only display @ 60Hz.

Good luck,