forcing monitor refresh rates in CS:S


Sep 6, 2004
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first off, im very sorry if this has been discussed before but i did use the search button to no avail.
i would like to know what the command line is for forcing a certain refresh rate for my LCD monitor. i made it so that the drivers will hide any modes that cannot be displayed by the monitor and 75Hz was the highest it would go even at 1280x1024. i play CS:S at 1024x768 and i want to force a refresh of 75Hz while playing the game. thnx for any help.
turn your vertical sync on, it's located in your options folder during gameplay and it will be under video settings. Vsync will allow a maximum of 75 frames per second if your refresh rate is 75. Really makes the screen look smooth.
Vsync: This has gotta be one of the biggest misconceptions ever in graphics tweaking. Here's how vsync works: Your monitor has a maximum refresh rate for each resolution. 75Hz for example is my maximum at 1152x864. This means my monitor can ONLY DISPLAY 75 FRAMES PER SECOND. So when you are boasting about your 150 fps in quake 3, although thats what it SAYS it's displaying, its completely bottlenecked by your refresh rate. Anything OVER the refresh rate causes tearing. Tearing occurs when you can see scanlines on your monitor. Vsync does this: sets the max video side FPS to the current refresh rate. It also removes all tearing for a *much* better picture. The moral of the story is: USE THIS IN GAME. If you are benchmarking, however, by all means turn it off for higher scores.
thats not at all what i was asking.
i want to make CS:S force my monitor to use a refresh rate of 75 instead of 60.
If you have an nvidia card there exists a utility that will force your video modes to only have refresh rates of 75 or higher, so it won't default to 60. This at least worked for quake 3 and the like so I would imagine it would work for hl2.
You don't need to force it, if you set 75hz in the control panel it will be 75hz in-game. You can check by turning on Vsync on, your FPS will be limited to 75.
i got an ati thing aswell... so my refresh rate is ocked at 85hz @ 1280x1024 - i seriously cant tell the difference of the graphics if its any higher.
yes - i am jus statin like the others that we have graphic card based forcers. look on or something for one lol
look for program called refreshforce kthxbai. Case closed (cough lol). u can lock ur refresh rates with that and i really recommend using v-sync because even if ur fps is higher than the 75 it wont affect the display. 100fps on 75hz shows like 75fps and makes the screen "shake". :D
ok ur probably lazy so here
ive done tests on various games including CS:S, and your minimum framerate is actually affected with vsync on.

say for instance you are looking at a certain point in a level and get 60fps with vsync off, when i turn on vsync, that framerate goes down to 50fps. vsync does tax your video card while its on, its not a free ride.