Forever Drowning


Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
I was playing some team deathmatch in a level that had objectives last night and I ended up drowing at one point. Once I respawned, for some reason it was still acting like I was drowning (i.e. you could hear the water, my power/oxygen was totally depleted), but I never died. It was bad cuz I couldn't sprint. Is this a map related issue or a HL related one? It's only happened once, but I am just curious. :imu:
HL issue. Custom map makers shouldn't let players drown for this reason.
They should just fix the bug, really.

To fix it, all you have to do is go back into the water and then get out again without drowning, and then your energy will start replenishing like normal.
Or you could type "stopsound" in the console, but it's considered a cheat now, apparently.
No, but it should stop the sounds :|

(My command is from HLDM.. I think it still works)