Forget Your Favourite Genre -Addict to Mine!

Theres a music section for this...

And wow thats an ugly website XD
Kingy don't even start this with me, you know my tastes are on a level higher than yours.
kingthebadger your music taste is alright, but I think the music is too simple, it's basically just a beat and some basslines, I like more complex tracks with lots of layers :)
I prefer music performed by people playing instruments and making things up, instead of copy paste stuff made on computer and tweaked til it sounds 'ok'. So no, i will not like your dance music, rock is much better :thumbs:
oldagerocker said:
I prefer music performed by people playing instruments and making things up, instead of copy paste stuff made on computer and tweaked til it sounds 'ok'. So no, i will not like your dance music, rock is much better :thumbs:

What's to stop somebody from making things up on a computer?
Moved to Music and Musicians... and I think I'll keep listening to decent music, thanks :hmph:
Im afraid inferior one that rock, which is: Punk, indie,Metal, alternate, pop, classical, rap...and others-rock, will always be my favourite Genre.... well for this decade anyway :D