Format HD after CPU Upgrade?


Apr 16, 2006
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Should I format my HD before/after I upgrade from an Athlon 64 3200 to a Opteron 180?

Just to make sure there are no driver conflicts and things like that
If you have any AMD drivers for the CPU you could uninstall those first. But really you shouldn't need to do anything. It's not like you are swapping your motherboard out. :)
I did a complete overhaul (replaced mobo, CPU, and RAM) and didn't have to reformat my HD.
it depends on the motherboard you have. like i just swapped my nforce4 for a nforce650i Sli and i didnt need to format,but when i switched out my VIA board to the nforce4 then it wouldnt let me do it. so similar chipset means it will work with an updated chipset in the same series.
The only time when I did have to reformat was when I replaced my graphics card, because I couldn't be bothered to swap them out again and unistall previous drivers ;)