formating and partitions


Aug 29, 2003
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i want to reformat my hdd but dont know how,
and im running on winXP and winME on 2 hdds, both with 10gb,

i want to just use one OS so i can have 20gb. i got xp disc and start up disket, all i need is the commands and the know how,
so any help would be great.

formating is easy. Just go into DOS and type

format (the drive you want to format) and hit enter. Just say yes to formating and wait.

I am not sure what you do about partitions though.
Or he could just insert his XP CD, restart and do it all from the easy menus.. partitioning is really easy, and so is formatting/installing XP via the XP install CD
yeah, windows xp disc, has a really nice easy reformat into it for when u install it.
i dont understand why u ever got windows me and windows xp at the same time.... looks like u wanted just xp, but had me first, but did u just decide to leave files on me???