Former FBI Agent Reveals New Angle on Kennedy Assassination


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Aug 21, 2004
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Fox 8 News said:
AKRON, Ohio - A retired FBI Agent from Summit County is making claims regarding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy that go beyond conspiracy theories.

Don Adams speaks clearly and concisely when describing the events of November 22, 1963, the day President Kennedy was killed, and he doesn't waiver from his position that Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill President John F. Kennedy in Dallas.

"It is a fact," says Adams, and he says he has the FBI documents to prove it.

At his home in Akron, Ohio, Adams is surrounded by thousands of reports and records from the National Archives and Records Administration. His name appears on many of the papers, but he says other reports have been doctored, or are missing, "Everything I had done is gone. It's all gone," Adams said.

The Army veteran joined the FBI after serving in the Korean war. He trained in Washington, D.C., and Quantico, Virginia, and was assigned to an FBI field office in Thomasville, Georgia.

One of Adams first assignments was investigating an extreme right radical, with connections to the States Rights Party and KKK named Joseph Adams Milteer. "He was reportedly one of most violent men in the country," said Adams.

One week after completing the investigation, President Kennedy was gunned down in Dallas.,0,6504699.story said:
It is a story the corporate media, with the notable exception of one lone Fox News affiliate, refuses to report. A former FBI agent, Don Adams, has compelling evidence Lee Harvey Oswald did not assassinate president John F. Kennedy. Adams was assigned to an FBI office in Thomasville, Georgia, on November 22, 1963. Adams was responsible for investigating Joseph Adams Milteer, described as a radical with connections to the States Rights Party and KKK. Milteer, according to Adams, was involved in Kennedy’s assassination.

As revealed by the Church Committee in the mid-70s and according to internal FBI documents the agency controlled the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacists beginning in the 1960s. More recently, it was revealed that racist radio talk show host Hal Turner operated as a “national security intelligence” asset for the FBI, thus demonstrating the agency still has its hooks in the lunatic fringe movement.

The racist Milteer “was reportedly one of most violent men in the country,” Adams told Fox 8 News. Years later, Adams discovered that Milteer had threatened to kill Kennedy on November 9, 1963, and the FBI had lied about Milteer whereabouts. In order to make his case, Adams played an audio recording of Milteer for Fox News. In the recording, Milteer tells an informant the best way to get the president “is from an office building with a high powered rifle.” Asked if he was sincere about a plot of kill Kennedy, Milteer responded: “Oh yes. It’s in the works.”

Despite the threat and possibility of a conspiracy to assassinate the president, the FBI and Secret Service allowed Kennedy to travel to Dallas. “[They] should have stopped the President from traveling instantly,” said Adams.

“You thought I was kidding when I said he would be killed from a window with a high powered rifle,” a “jubilant” Milteer” told the informant following the murder.
Youtube reveals new angle on E. Howard Hunt

Danimal posting two wall-o-text quotes and two videos of an old slack-jawed dude wearing aviators doing some camwhoring?

I think I'll just go ahead and guess this is a conspiracy theory thread with the usually flimsy evidence from which to many conclusions are drawn.

"It is a fact," says Adams, and he says he has the FBI documents to prove it.

At his home in Akron, Ohio, Adams is surrounded by thousands of reports and records from the National Archives and Records Administration. His name appears on many of the papers, but he says other reports have been doctored, or are missing, "Everything I had done is gone. It's all gone," Adams said.

Uh huh.
Well, you're pretty keen on negative assumptions without even looking into it, so I obviously can't convince you.
It would be more believable if you said the Muslims did it. I bet almost everyone in the US would believe you.
Well, you're pretty keen on negative assumptions without even looking into it, so I obviously can't convince you.
It would be more believable if you said the Muslims did it. I bet almost everyone in the US would believe you.

EDIT: I do like how you pick out one inconsistency in an article written by Fox 8 as the reason why you shouldn't read it, though.

Another thing I don't get is what you mean by "It would be more believable if you said the Muslims did it." I didn't say anyone specifically did it. I just posted an article.
How about this one?

It is a story the corporate media, with the notable exception of one lone Fox News affiliate, refuses to report.

Oh man, News that only FOX is reporting? Must be totally legit.
You'd find out if it's totally legit if you had actually read it.
How about this one?

Oh man, News that only FOX is reporting? Must be totally legit.

Indeed. Mainstream media are the only reliable sources for news, and are free of any government or corporate influence.
Indeed. Mainstream media are the only reliable sources for news, and are free of any government or corporate influence.

Is that sarcasm supposed to refute or endorse my statement?
hahah "Don Adams"


"Would you believe the president was murdered by the KKK"

"... would you believe the president was in fact, murdered by the a troupe of traveling midget acrobats?"

<whistles Get Smart theme>