ForSale: One slightly used Nazi Death car owned by Pope Palpatine

Who doesn't love eBay? My friend lived for a year going to yard sales and retailing what he found online. Some times were lean, some no so much, but it was like a year off with pay. I don't get the nazi-pope connection. They're both German?
volkswagen used jews as forced labour for the nazis naturally that makes pope palpatine a nazi :E

I'm sure the boys at the vatican call him Ratzi for short :E

I just liked the title and the car is german so..
Best. Opening post. Ever.
200 grand and reserve is still not met?!
imagine the buyr open a compartent and finding some suspicious papers

"plans to world domination
1.become a pope XdoneX
2.find corpse of hitler
3.find blood of 3000 virgin
4.use the ratasgroisk ritual to revive hitler
1.get the laundry
3.torture kids

and I was expecting a old car whit a lot of nazi simbols
dont forget condoms pope would leave the house without them
condoms for what? he will go

palpatine: hey sister..
numb: errr....what is it your holiness?
palpatine: is time for the snake to enter the paradise <sadic eyes>

"..alphonso put down that urn it's time for your lesson again ..please disrobe"

"yes your holiness ...I like playing hide the salami with his holiness"
Q: If Jimmy Cracks corn and no one cares would the purchase of this car help make people care that he cracks corn? Your pal, Satan Apr-11-07
A: I would consider changing the dosage...