Fortress Forever 2.4 Released

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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A huge patch for the Team Fortress Classic remake on the Source engine has been released. 2.4 has a massive changelist, including new maps, map tweaks, class improvements and changes, visual enhancements and bug fixes. Fortress Forever has come a long way since it's release and if you have never played before you certainly should.[br]
<object ><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" ></embed></object>​
[br]You can download Fortress Forever 2.4 from the Fortress Forever website. (Requires Source SDK Base to be installed)
Not having Hats I fail to see how this could be superior to TF2.
The reason I love this game so much is that it isn't trying to fight for the same group as TF2. One is super fast twitch gaming *like the original*, and TF2 is for those slower days. Perfect mix for me!
it looks neat and all, but I dont really understand the reasons for making it.. I mean, why not play team fotress 2 if you want a neatlooking fun classbased game? And if you dont want to play tf2, then why not just play the good'old team fortress?

But yearh, ofcourse, if you want to play a good looking team fortress, and you dont want to play the tf2-version nor the original version, this is good news, I guess.
I like the fact the team made it and kept it going regardless of what the nay-sayers might being saying. They didnt give up. I respect that!
I played TFC and enjoyed the hell out of it, but I honestly don't remember seeing this much jumping and dodging around the maps.

Sorry, but I can't stand games that say bunny hopping is a viable tactic and is in fact part of the game play.

Probably why I never got into Quake.
Please tell me some of those shots were made using an aimbot? I've always considered my self a high skill gamer, but even I would consider some of the shit they pulled off in that vid insane! Am I just getting old?
I use to play FF's older ver a lot a year ago and loved it.. cant wait to look at the update tonight and get back to playing. As for TF2 vs FF, to me they both have a completely different feel of the game play. I like them both, but FF is free and spy is way more fun(tranquilizer gun ftw) so try it out.

Please tell me some of those shots were made using an aimbot? I've always considered my self a high skill gamer, but even I would consider some of the shit they pulled off in that vid insane! Am I just getting old?

Agreed, they probably took a lot of takes to get those shots. If not... cant wait to play them.
Please tell me some of those shots were made using an aimbot? I've always considered my self a high skill gamer, but even I would consider some of the shit they pulled off in that vid insane! Am I just getting old?

Those shots don't take aimbots. You would be surprised the crazy things you could pull in TFC, as well as FF now. You're just getting old it would seem.
Meet me for a game of UT2k4 and then we can talk about how they must be using an aimbot when I nail you in the head from across the level.
medic: runs around at high speed and jumps halfway across the map
scout: runs around at high speed and jumps halfway across the map
demoman: runs ar... yeah, screw this.
Seeing this video shows how much work has gone into this mod and all I can say is wow, really cool stuff!
I've always liked fast paced games, but this somehow almost seems too fast lol (I guess the huge fov made it look faster? + speed up camera shots?). I don't see why people compare this with TF2, it to me seems like they had a different vision of TF and they executed it very nicely for a mod. It would seem that people forget the manpower and capital behind TF2 vs. a mod.
medic: runs around at high speed and jumps halfway across the map
scout: runs around at high speed and jumps halfway across the map
demoman: runs ar... yeah, screw this.

I doubt you could even do a 1/4th of what was shown in the video.
it looks neat and all, but I dont really understand the reasons for making it.. I mean, why not play team fotress 2 if you want a neatlooking fun classbased game? And if you dont want to play tf2, then why not just play the good'old team fortress?

But yearh, ofcourse, if you want to play a good looking team fortress, and you dont want to play the tf2-version nor the original version, this is good news, I guess.

You gotta understand where we are coming from (we as in the TFC community). We spent years and years without anything from Valve. Their whole focus was on their cash cow, CS. The only update we ever saw was the addition of teleporters (which hurt more than it helped), and a map Ravelin (which NEVER was played by anyone).

We submitted bugs all the time and suggested many changes, but it fell on deaf ears. And it's not like we just submitted an online form - I know we had members of the community who directly talked with Robin Walker.

FF is basically the essence of what the TFC community wanted TFC to be, as well as a tribute to all previous TF-styles of gameplay. We like our concs and our nades, our fast style of gameplay, and high amounts of customization. There is a lot in FF that you just can't get out of TF2, and we knew Valve wasn't going to put it in to their game.

/I am not part of the FF team, I just happened to be a very involved community member.
I doubt you could even do a 1/4th of what was shown in the video.

That's the point, nobody wants too. The video looks like it shows a bunch of "proz" conc jumping and crap and letting me know that I couldn't get into this at all instead of making me want to play it. GG.
That's the point, nobody wants too. The video looks like it shows a bunch of "proz" conc jumping and crap and letting me know that I couldn't get into this at all instead of making me want to play it. GG.

It's actually really easy to conc jump. Just hold the nade and jump when it goes off. To go up a ramp off a conc jump, just hold crouch. The good thing about FF, is that they have a lot of tutorials and other resources in order to learn how to do those moves!
I thought I’d finally give FF a go and personally I prefer TFC to this (ignoring TF2 of course)
It seems like it could be a good game but I’ve never been a fan of the “bug” that is strafe jumping. The game is just TOO hectic and if you can’t master the jumping your gonna get your arse handed to you time and time again. If you’re a Quake fan I’m pretty sure this will be right up your street, it defiantly has a lot of good ideas (well, utilising the old format) but I’d play TF2 over this any day (which of course is to be expected). Still, good on them for pushing at it.
Wow, Spy can cloak in FF? I really should give this mod a try, but I really don't see the point of it.
First off, I respect talented modders, so hats off to them...

I'm sure this is very exciting to older gamers who played a lot of the original, or those who like older-style gameplay with "trick" moves. For me personally, if you're gonna keep the bunny hopping in there, you might as well put bunny ears on each character, because that would look equally ridiculous.
Wow. I had planned to try this mod at some point. That trailer really makes me never want to touch it.