Forum interview with a Columbine survivor.

Interesting find there.
I mis-read the thread at first thought it said "Forum interview with a combine survivor" whoops :eek:
Wow, this is really interesting. On page 4 right now.

Done. Wow, what a read. Highly informative.
Btw an interesting fact:

This happened on my birthday, april 20th, which is hitlers birthday also.

I can remember the day it happened, the president was on the news saying about kosovo bombing his face then dropped and he announced the news about columbine.
I really found tragic that incident
I watched about it in tv and seriously if someone go to my school whit guns to kill everyone I dont knwo what I will be do,except to kill the guys in any chance possible
Wow, great read. I actually built up alot of anger reading that. I had to take it out on my punching bag. :E
Also, this is interesting:
Comlumbine Survivor said:
I hear Daniel say , I opened my eyes to see him desperatly kicking at a CO2 cartidge, I picked it up and noticed it had a wick, it was a in , I was tempted to, hell I had my hand ed to throw it back at DYlan and Eri, blow them to f*ckin smitereens, but they were standing next to a table of other students, i coudnt take inncocents so i threw it down the empty half of the library where it blew.
If I were in that situation I probably would have thrown it at them, except I would have tried to wait untill they were farther away from the table.
Damn, just damn, you could really feel how it was in that libraby.
Wow...amazing thread. Towards the back there is a long story. A real eye opener and he explains many things I have never heard about COlumbine before. Very scary.
short recoil said:
Btw an interesting fact:

This happened on my birthday, april 20th, which is hitlers birthday also.

I can remember the day it happened, the president was on the news saying about kosovo bombing his face then dropped and he announced the news about columbine.

You were born literally the day before me. Does this mean you have stolen my super powers?

well it seems like there was indeed a Makai Hall at columbine during the massacre but there's always a possibility it's an imposter

if it's true it's pretty harrowing stuff to have to live thru . ..still dont know why he felt the need to reveal that about himself in a rpg gaming forum to a bunch of strangers. There's been a few tragic events in my life since being a member of this forum and I never felt the need to dicuss it with you all ..some things are best kept private
CptStern said:

well it seems like there was indeed a Makai Hall at columbine during the massacre but there's always a possibility it's an imposter

if it's true it's pretty harrowing stuff to have to live thru . ..still dont know why he felt the need to reveal that about himself in a rpg gaming forum to a bunch of strangers. There's been a few tragic events in my life since being a member of this forum and I never felt the need to dicuss it with you all ..some things are best kept private

He said that people kept messaging him about it all the time so he decided to start a thread. It sounds legit and not faked up though, scary stuff indeed.
I dunno..he changed his story a couple times.

One time he said he got shrapnel in the face, that's why he went to the hospital..

then he said he got shot with a shotgun in a later post.

I'm not saying he is a phoney, I read it, and it was informative. Be sad if he was real...poor guy. That's gotta be horribly traumatic.
xLostx said:
what kind of name is Yamolex lol
He gets to listen to an eye witness of the Columbine Incident and this is all he says :D

BTW, great read, learnt a whole lot of new stuff about the incident.

CyberPitz said:
I dunno..he changed his story a couple times.

One time he said he got shrapnel in the face, that's why he went to the hospital..

then he said he got shot with a shotgun in a later post.
Actually, he got both. You didn't read it too well :p
CyberPitz said:
I dunno..he changed his story a couple times.

One time he said he got shrapnel in the face, that's why he went to the hospital..

then he said he got shot with a shotgun in a later post.

I'm not saying he is a phoney, I read it, and it was informative. Be sad if he was real...poor guy. That's gotta be horribly traumatic.
Actually he said that he was shot both times he mentions it.
i am pretty depressed after reading that.
not sure what to make of it but hopefully nobody ever has to live through something like that incident again.
short recoil said:
Btw an interesting fact:

This happened on my birthday, april 20th, which is hitlers birthday also.

I can remember the day it happened, the president was on the news saying about kosovo bombing his face then dropped and he announced the news about columbine.

You share a birthday with my brother, and Napolean!!!
Incredible thread.

just finished reading it. that long post with the story is intense as shit. very sad.
yamolex was a character in a story his friend wrote, it was in the thread
quite chilling. When you see the events on the news and in documentries and stuff it doesn't really affect you, but when you actually see it in the words of someone who was actually there it really hits home. It's very easy to imagine yourself in the same situation, god knows what I would have done though, could of happend in any school really.