Forums Updated!



We've updated the forums to the latest version of vBulletin, so please be on the lookout for any odd glitches. We've already seen one, where in the header the background behind "Welcome, Notifications, My Profile" disappeared(!), but I've since fixed that.

And fix the image button thing!

And the background color of these post formatting buttons is a little dark.

The "Today's birthdays" thing at the bottom of the frontpage just shows "Array" now.
That's because we stopped caring about your birthdays.
Array wished for it to be his birthday every day. He died of diabetes after three weeks but it's still his birthday *snare cord*
I made a whole thread in here about the image button.
Surely there's like a basic setting in the VB options that disables being able to upload images to the site in that way? That would solve all the problems. Disable attachments, so that we dont have to constantly tell the site NO I DONT WANT TO ATTACH GORRAMIT
And if I was lord and god over all things forums that would be great, but I am not. So essentially what happens now is I see if my permissions go far enough to do that (hint: they don't) and then I either fix it, or I bring it to Munro's attention, as I did months ago.

However, it MIGHT be possible that I can change the current button to say "Upload Image" and add another button next to it that merely says something like "Post Image" or "Link Image". And then you might finally be happy.
We can't ****ing swear.

I had a weird issue where I posted a reply, and FF asked if I wanted to leave the page. Might have just been a server blip.
Commas need to be added between the names in the Currently Active Users tab.
blockquote.postcontent.restore img {
max-width: 100%;

This will let images scale up to exactly how large the user's browser window allows. 800px max is a totally arbitrary restriction that doesn't help anything. With this, images will never cause horizontal scrolling and yet be as big as the user wants his window.
Yeah well, there was a perfectly good image resizer plugin installed, but Munro broke it.
What plugin is necessary? That just complicates things and tends to make it more frustrating to use than something like my suggestion.

Bear in mind that I'm not speaking for my own benefit. I've already got a customized stylesheet running for myself on that does the image thing plus a bunch of other shit.
I believe the plugin did it in such a way as to conserve resources. With your method, I believe that if I post an image that's 3,000 pixels wide, it'll load slower, because the resizing is being down by the browser itself, which means you're still downloading the entire image. Plus, does that way maintain aspect ratio correctly? I'm asking because I haven't tried it before. It looks too simple to be perfect.
Do you think I'd suggest something that doesn't maintain aspect ratio? ;)

Images are already loading full resolution as it is, so until you get a plugin going (which I still think is useles... who complains about huge image loading times anymore really?) this is a good change.

Speaking of maintaining aspect ratio, there's an interesting bit of css in the way avatars are handled in profile comments. The avatars there have these properties:

width: 60px;
height: auto;

This resizes the image until the width is 60px, and then makes the height be whatever it needs to be to maintain aspect ratio... But oops, there's no max height in here. I actually already tried exploiting this and it works. I gave myself a 1x70px avatar, and the result was my comment posts appearing next to a 60x4200px avatar that just scrooooolled down the page :LOL:
You'll still have plenty of pixels left over?
Do you think I'd suggest something that doesn't maintain aspect ratio? ;)

Images are already loading full resolution as it is, so until you get a plugin going (which I still think is useles... who complains about huge image loading times anymore really?)
I think it's a good idea.
Good idea or not, it's not even implemented yet, so there's no benefit to the client-side 800px hard limit.

I've yet to see an image plugin on forums that handle image resizing in a non-annoying way. I don't want to see little icons or other dressings on images telling me that they're not displayed at full size, and god help you if the full size image has to open in a new window or one of those javascript things that are slow and take over your screen.
Would opening the full sized image in a new tab really be that bad? (though I do agree that those javascript things are terrible)
No, a new tab would be fine. But I've never seen one that does this.

This, in combination with not having an arbitrary size restriction on the "preview" version, would make for a good plugin. Basically, it would be doing the same thing as those helpful people who make large images link to the source of the image so people can easily click on them to view them full size in a new tab.