Forwarding Hotmail E-mails...?


Companion Cube
Jul 5, 2004
Reaction score
Can it be done?
I want to forward any mail that goes to my hotmail account to my gmail account. I've looked around the options on hotmail and i can't see anything which may allow me to do this.
If not then would it be possible to download all mail to my computer then have all forwarded to my gmail?

Thanks for any help :)
To the best of my knowledge, you can't do this in Hotmail.

I found this, though, which is worth looking into if that is what you want to do...Good Luck!

According to the comments it doesn't work anymore. Nevermind. I've changed my mind. Thanks for the help anyway :) <3
Those reviews were for previous versions. The most recent comment is for the most recent version.
Ahh yeah. I really should learn to look at dates of stuff :P
I'll give this a whirl. Thanks :)