Four More Titles Greenlit


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Three more games and one new piece of software have made it through Steam's Greenlight process. The lucky titles are:
  • Papers, Please, a "A Dystopian Document Thriller" where you play an immigration inspector for the glorious nation of Arstotzka.
  • Edge of Space, a space-themed 2D sandbox in the vein of Terraria
  • Venetica, an action adventure following a young woman named Scarlett who discovers she is the daughter of death itself
  • Substance Designer 3, software for texturing 3D models, aimed at game development
Substance Designer 3 and Venetica are already finished and available for purchase from other sources while Edge of Space and Papers, Please are in beta. The beta for Papers, Please is freely available and can be found here.
Papers, Please is an interesting game, I'm interested to see which direction they take it. As it stands, It doesn't have much replayability IMO.