FOX does a story about offensive language on Xbox Live...

I hope they used that Halo homophobia vid from one of the recent threads here...:D (can't watch the vid now either).
LOL! Just fast forward at the very end until you hear the guy "or just mute it". Wow, we got a winner here! :D
Damn fox, welcome to xbox live. It's only been around for like 6 years.

Wait, Didn't Bungie say they were going to have some sort of "shut up!" button for halo 3?
Trashtalk has been around since the dawn of online gaming and only now do they catch on?? can you mute individual players on xbox live and halo 3? If so then there really is no problem is there?
talk about a bunch of ignorant noobs. it seems to be only xbox where all of these trash talkers are lol

also people in that video were like from the age of 14-16.
I hear all sorts of stuff every day outside of games that I don't want to hear. I don't want my ears subjected to it. None of it is profanity, all of it idiocy, but I still have to hear it.

Suck it up bitches, if I have to hear your words that torture me without the usage of profanity, you're certainly going to have to deal with my profanity.
****ing Fox News can suck a big black cock, ****ing dumb shits with their ****ing news reporting and their biased ****ing views. **** sensationalist news, **** the parents who don't know the difference, ****ing world needs to learn to ****ing cope with the ****ing English dictionary.
****ing Fox News can suck a big black cock, ****ing dumb shits with their ****ing news reporting and their biased ****ing views. **** sensationalist news, **** the parents who don't know the difference, ****ing world needs to learn to ****ing cope with the ****ing English dictionary.

I lol'd.
Wow are they late....

I sometimes love listening to these idiots.
It's the most popular game now in the market, Halo 3.

They can eat my ass.
well its not as bad as I suspected. At least they talk about the mute button :P
Lol, anybody catch that? "Online games like Xbox..."
