Fox Signs Spore Movie


Aug 18, 2004
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Twentieth Century Fox has paired up with Electronic Arts to turn the publisher's popular "Spore" game into an animated creature feature, with "Ice Age's" Chris Wedge attached to helm.

Greg Erb and Jason Oremland, who penned Disney's upcoming "The Princess and the Frog" and Ben Stiller pic "The Return of King Doug" at Paramount, will write the script for the "Spore" movie. It will be produced as a CG-animated toon by EA and Blue Sky Studios, which is behind the studio's "Ice Age" pics, "Robots" and its next effort, "Rio."

"I'm always looking for unique worlds to go to in animation," Wedge said. "From every perspective -- visually, thematically and comedically -- the world of 'Spore' provides the potential to put something truly original on the screen."

Fox is especially high on Wedge after "Ice Age" turned into a major franchise for the studio, generating $1.9 billion from three pics since 2002. He recently exec produced the third installment and "Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who" for Fox.

So far, various iterations of "Spore" have sold more than 3.2 million units.


I don't know what to think about this, I haven't played Spore, only the demo. So can't really judge much here.
Spore seems like it would make a very odd movie, considering there is no storyline or character progression in it at all, or even any characters. Chances are, the only similarities would be the setting and look. Not even sure how/if the will include the evolutionary stages. But, despite it seeming like a really poor game to make a movie off of, it may prove to be one of the best choices since they can do whatever they want really. And Blue Sky studios is a big name company, and they make near-pixar level animations.
How the hell are you supposed to relate to a movie about a game where the main lure was designing your OWN UNIQUE CREATURES?

If it were Pixar doing it, I might have more interest. But it'd still be kind of WTF.
DUMB! you can't make a movie from a loose plotline. how is anything going to connect in the game. next you'll have spore books and spore hats, and spore cds...really unnecessary
If they can make a Sims movie, then they can make a movie about Spore. Not to say that it'll be good.
Hey, as long as it educates the kiddies about science and evolution, it's fine with me.
YOU ARE KIDDING!!!!!!NO WAY MAN!I mean this is going to be really bad!Well i'll miss spore;(