Foxnews viewers less informed then people who dont watch news at all


May 5, 2004
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Fox News viewers are less informed than people who don't watch any news, according to a new poll from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

he poll surveyed New Jersey residents about the uprisings in Egypt and the Middle East, and where they get their news sources. The study, which controlled for demographic factors like education and partisanship, found that "people who watch Fox News are 18-points less likely to know that Egyptians overthrew their government" and "6-points less likely to know that Syrians have not yet overthrown their government" compared to those who watch no news.

Dan Cassino, a political science professor at Fairleigh Dickinson, explained in a statement, "Because of the controls for partisanship, we know these results are not just driven by Republicans or other groups being more likely to watch Fox News. Rather, the results show us that there is something about watching Fox News that leads people to do worse on these questions than those who don’t watch any news at all."

not really surprised that foxnews viewers are ill informed but this puts a whole spin on it by proving they're just ill informed, they're misinformed. anyone's who's seen the becks, the o'reilly's in action can attest to this. however this is worse because the misinformation isnt contained to partisan politics: it's across the entire spectrum
their coverage of the protests recently with "pepper spray is essentially just a food product" can attest to this. that and every other thing that theyve ever done. :P
This study is hardly robust, scientifically speaking. I mean, their control was a 72-year-old homeless woman who got her news from the demons that live in her vagina. Come on, she's way too reliable.
I don't like Fox News either....but I also dislike Huffington Post.
and as Shem sai...d new Jersey?
Fox News is some good TV. entertainment at it's finest
their coverage of the protests recently with "pepper spray is essentially just a food product" can attest to this. that and every other thing that theyve ever done. :P
I was amazed by this. How can anyone just sit in front of a camera with images of pointless violence playing behind them and bullshit their way through some facile explanation any sane human being can see is complete nonsense? How crazy, how deluded, or how intellectually dishonest do you have to be to be seeing that footage, sitting right in front of it, and just ramble out your excuses?
They probably ask their prospective employees that in the interview.
I hear that there are petitions to get Megyn Kelly and Bill O'Reilly to eat pepper spray live on TV.
Sounds about as likely as Sean Hannity being waterboarded.
I was amazed by this. How can anyone just sit in front of a camera with images of pointless violence playing behind them and bullshit their way through some facile explanation any sane human being can see is complete nonsense? How crazy, how deluded, or how intellectually dishonest do you have to be to be seeing that footage, sitting right in front of it, and just ramble out your excuses?
Youtube comments suggest this mindset is not too uncommon.

They also suggest Poe's law is in effect, but hey one can dream.
Sounds about as likely as Sean Hannity being waterboarded.

Course it's not gonna happen but it's fun to keep asking them.

Because, after all, it's a only pepper, it's essentially a food product.