FPS:Creator ...the worlds first game making ..errr game


May 5, 2004
Reaction score

"First Person Shooters are one of the most enduringly popular game genres. Now, for the first time, anyone can make their own action packed FPS games without any programming or 3D modelling knowledge."

watch some of the videos ..they claim the games were made in 5 minutes and they even include physics ...seems like a good idea for those of us without the time/skill to use modding tools

it's kinda old school and a little ugly but seems like fun

they're remaking the demo so peeps should have an opportunity to try it out soon enough

here's a screen:

First? Pfft. Many before that. "The Games Factory" and "Klick and Play" being the most notable.

-Angry Lawyer
looks ugms... that application will never be able to match the combination of a well designed sdk, good tools, and a skillful and knowledgeable mod team.
ok you're right ...but my title has more pizzaz that way :)
The version that was on the PCG coverdisks a while ago wasn't that great. :p
well then ..let's change this positive thread into a negative one

booo fps:creator sucks!!!!
:angel: Better physics than Half Life 2. Fo Sho. Just like 50 Cent's game.
and no, this isn't the first gamemaker type thing....the first was the one made for PS1, forgot what it was called. Made 2d rps if i remember.....
hungryduck said:
and no, this isn't the first gamemaker type thing....the first was the one made for PS1, forgot what it was called. Made 2d rps if i remember.....

Actually I believe the first "maker" game was that, except I think it came out in Japan and was on the PC before it was on the PS, and it was called RPG Maker '95. They subsequently made RPG Maker 2000, and 2003.

Many many hours spend w/ 2000 and 2003, solid programs for great old-school RPG creation. Not to mention innovation if you've got the artistic ability and knowledge. Damn shame my Deus Eks Machina game wasn't completed (I soooo got that stolen by Deus Ex, was making it before that game exsisted (the 95 version and then switched to 2k) because I read about the word in english class in reference to shakespear and stuff and thought it was pretty cool.)
This isn't a game maker like RPG Maker, it's a GAME that is a game maker. As in you make all of your junk while in game.

Great idea, but never executed succesfully.
Homless Snark said:
Actually I believe the first "maker" game was that, except I think it came out in Japan and was on the PC before it was on the PS, and it was called RPG Maker '95. They subsequently made RPG Maker 2000, and 2003.

Klik and Play beats your pants RPG maker game by a year!


Got it when it was released - I was only 8, I think! Twas my first foray into game design, and without it, I'd not be a modder and none of you would get Zombie Master - ever!

-Angry Lawyer
Game Maker is the best no-coding game creation software I've used. Great thing is, you learn some code while using it, and you CAN use code in it to do things you can't with the premade functions. Uses C++.