FPS Drop!


Aug 28, 2004
Reaction score
Recently ive been having problems running CS:S, before i was able to run the game @ DX9 on high settings No AA or AF and get about 20-30FPS.
Recently though I can't even run the Game @ DX7 with all settings on low, maps like compound are unplayable, i get about 10-30fps (40+ when looking at a wall :D )
Res 1280x1024, get a few more frames while playing at 800x600 though.

PC specs:
P4 2.4Ghz
768MB Ram
9800Pro 128mb
And im using the Omegas, catalyst version 5.4. I was on the 5.6's but rolled back due to even worse performance.

Any ideas?
have you done anything to your pc recently like installed any new software, gfx updates, any hardware. Just trying to see if there is anything that could have caused your fps to drop.
Hmm, could be heat. Dust build up around your case thats increasing the temp and causing the card to underperform. Not too sure really, carefully clean out your case and tidy any wires that may have fallen or are obstructing any fans.
What's going on here

Have you noticed that lots of people are complaining about this? I think Valve is up to something, making people feel insecure about their machines so they upgrade their rigs AGAIN even though they still tear through every game out there.


/me dons his tin-foil hat