FPS Problems



Ive been having severe problems with my fps in CS:S. I have an AMD Athlon 2400 xp, 512MB PC 2700, Radeon 9800xt. I have all of the settings on the 9800xt set to quality, but I have tinkered with them all and I am still getting 15 - 30 fps. My in game res is 1600 x 1200 with all the advanced graphical features set at their defaults. Any help on how to raise my fps without tweaking features out of the game would be appriecated greatly. Although this is my first post on the forums I always look to halflife2.net for all my HL2 news. Also, i have all of the up-to-date drivers for my mb, cpu, and the 9800xt.
Try turning of AA and the other A thing. Can't remember what the second letter is.
Antialiasing and Anisotropic Filtering ;)
Make sure to set them to "Off" instead of "Application-Controlled."
Also you could add the line "-heapsize 128000" to the Launch Options of CSS.
Lols. You've got no FPs problem, your just running it WAY TO HIGH.

1600 res, hahas.
mirageacg said:
Also you could add the line "-heapsize 128000" to the Launch Options of CSS.
That would be 128 * 1024 = 131072 actually.
i like my 1600 res, makes everything look small and pretty :)
on that note thought i tried turning my res all the way down to 800 x 600 and ended up with 20 -35 fps; U turned both of those things all the way down, they were set to 16x and 8x and application preferance was off. there both set at 2x now and i can get up to 50 fps in the hallway of dust, but everywhere else i get 30 still
odd that.... i get as high as 120fps on a ti4600 running 315/675. on p4 2.4 o/c to 3.06. It normally lives around 50fps when firefightin...got res a t 1024x768, and everything on high.. well models and textures that is..ooo and shadows lol :afro:
I have a p4 1.5ghz, 256 rdram, and a radeon 9600XT. I can actually run CS:S on 1600x1200 no AA, 8xAF at around 30fps. it's funny, cus i scale down to 1280x1024 res wit the same setting and my fps stays the same. I think my cpu is limiting it. That may be your problem as well.
amd athlon xp 1800+ 512mb ddr pc2100 ram 9800 pro 128mb
before update in a firefight with default settings I would get down to 25fps or so.
After the update.
in the same display mode and every lower mode. ie. 640x480 lowest details.
It drops to 10fps in action. It's stupid. :( I need a new heart for my PC I guess.
im thinking that my cpu speed and memory might also be the problem. i turned AA and AF down as i stated in my last post but it didnt seem to help but hardley any. i guess its time to upgrade again. this years christmas present: 2 gigs pc3200 and a new mobo, so ill just have to come up with the new processor i guess. ive been a hardcore amd fan for as long as i can remember so i think ill have to stay with them.