Fraggle Rock : The Movie


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
Guess what? It's time to "Dance your cares away/ Worry's for another day/ Let the music play/ Down at Fraggle Rock!" The Fraggles are back! According to Variety, the Weinsteins are teaming up with Lisa Henson of the Jim Henson Company to bring a live-action, half-human half-puppet Fraggle Rock extravaganza to the big screen.

"Gobo, Wembley, Mokey, Boober and Red outside of their home in Fraggle Rock, where they interact with humans, which they think are aliens."

Tickets are SO being purchased in advance. This is going to be awesome.
Haha I love Fraggle Rock! This is awesome.
My jaw hit the floor. Of all the things to make into a film...
**** YES I goddamn love the fraggles. Me and my brother watched the entire show on youtube. Hilarious.
Why does every kids film these days have to be an "extravaganza"?

That said, awesome.