Frames Per Second


Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
I just wanted to bring something forth...
ok for some reason everytime I play a game of CSS everyone is going ?what is your fps? then someone replies 90?...

Why do you care what your FPS is?

FPS are used for benchmarks to tell how much better a card is than another... why do peoepl care if there's can run at 100fps than 60? if the game runs well why do you bother going around omg I have 100fps... I think its a bunch of crap, and I have a 9800xt I don't give a rats ass about FPS, I only care if the card gives me a performance boost and allows me to play any game up to date, where as some people get brand new computers with X800's or new Nvidia cards and they start fighting about who's is better.. I just have to say, why pay hundreds of dollars extra just to get a few higher FPS? really it all balances it out in the end, the gfx cards make the game look almost the exactly the same except for people that ar elike omg that place is darkre on my card than it is on yours, I want yours... who gives a shit? it's pathetic, if you want to go and buy the cards that they are releasing right now you go and buy it, like they said on people are buying anything that ATi and Nvidia are throwing at them even if the lower cards are about the same power, but just to gloat and make yourself feel good... I really don't understand it all, I have a good machine but I don't buy my parts thinking omg I need this becuase Ill get 110fps in one game where my friend only gets 60!..... all i can say is x_X... before your try to flame me really take this into perspective and see how many people waste money just for a few extra frames that will not make a difference in gameplay... Thanks for reading
i use FPS to complain about how my doom3 refuses to work...
He makes a good point, shame on you people with x800's im not jealous at all with my 9600XT! :imu:
It's called future-proofing. You see, when newer games come out, the newer graphics cards will be able to extrapolate more FPS out of them, while older cards will not. That's why people buy them... that and showing off their big e-penis.
Hectic Glenn said:
He makes a good point, shame on you people with x800's im not jealous at all with my 9600XT! :imu:

Im not jealous at all with my 9200! Totaly pwned
Also, knowing your FPS will help you set your resolution, AA and AF to optimal settings without becoming unplayable.
It is also a way to compare to make sure there is not an issue or setting wrong with your machine.

Many who don't actually know or care about their hardware get carried away and use it as a way to brag all the time, which is childish.
Kristafon said:
Im not jealous at all with my 9200! Totaly pwned

I have a Radeon 7000! pwned!*

*I have recently bought a 9800pro
i just buy somthing that runs the games i want to play :p

btw i get 60fps in the stress test but get an adverage of 20fps while actualy playing... that sucks, so for me it dose matter

i have a Gforce FX 5900 463/950. its over clocked but it wont stay overclocked it keeps going back down to 400/850 :( but it runs at 463/950 just fine at only 1 deg more...
Cheese, what res you use?

Cause i got 5900xt, and it runs at 40 fps stock, 50 fps Overclocked.

As for knowing FPS and etc, 50 fps looks better then the 12 you get!
Owned, as my E-Penis Grows Larger.