So I've got a pretty old and almost dead computer, and a slightly less old, alive computer (theres also a pretty new, very alive computer, but that's my dads and I'm "not allowed" to use it).
My plan is to salvage what I can from the really old one, and put as much as I can into the newer one, the stuff is pretty much too old to sell so it'll probably be thrown away or recycled (good for the planet).
P3 500Mhz
316MB (Or something) RAM
Voodoo 3fx Graphics Card (I think)
Not a clue what sound card
Crap old mouse
Crap old keyboard
Ancient CRT
Under 40GB Hard-drive (Not sure how many physical hard-drives, but theres quite a few partitions of around 5GB adding up to around 35GB)
Pwnage set-up eh? I don't think I can salvage much, but the RAM is two 128 DIMM SDRAM Single banks and one 64 DIMM SDRAM Single bank. Something along those lines anyway.
The current computer has an empty RAM slot, and the RAM I'm using is DIMM, so does that mean they're compatible? What does Single Bank mean?
I'm not sure if 128MB would make a difference anyway, but I'm trying to save cash.
The other thing, is the older computer has a PCI-USB card (I think) which would be really useful in the newer computer, as the USB ports are borked. SiSoft Sandra (which I'm using for pretty much all the info in this post, dad doesn't tell me much about what's actually in the computers) tells me the new computer has all its PCI slots taken up but theres a free AGP slot. Current card is a GeForce 4 MMX, so I guess this means its PCI? If I get a new AGP graphics card, take the GeForce 4 out, that will mean a free PCI slot for the PCI-USB card right? If its even compatible that is. I found out its only 4xAGP...which is crap right?
Final question: The hard-drive, I don't know anything about hard-drives, so say I got a network cable and transferred all the information I wanted from the old hard-drive to the new one, how do I go about getting the actual physical hard-drive into this one? Re-format the drive? How do I tell if theres even space on the mobo for it? Preferably using SiSoft Sandra.
Any help appreciated.
My plan is to salvage what I can from the really old one, and put as much as I can into the newer one, the stuff is pretty much too old to sell so it'll probably be thrown away or recycled (good for the planet).
P3 500Mhz
316MB (Or something) RAM
Voodoo 3fx Graphics Card (I think)
Not a clue what sound card
Crap old mouse
Crap old keyboard
Ancient CRT
Under 40GB Hard-drive (Not sure how many physical hard-drives, but theres quite a few partitions of around 5GB adding up to around 35GB)
Pwnage set-up eh? I don't think I can salvage much, but the RAM is two 128 DIMM SDRAM Single banks and one 64 DIMM SDRAM Single bank. Something along those lines anyway.
The current computer has an empty RAM slot, and the RAM I'm using is DIMM, so does that mean they're compatible? What does Single Bank mean?
I'm not sure if 128MB would make a difference anyway, but I'm trying to save cash.
The other thing, is the older computer has a PCI-USB card (I think) which would be really useful in the newer computer, as the USB ports are borked. SiSoft Sandra (which I'm using for pretty much all the info in this post, dad doesn't tell me much about what's actually in the computers) tells me the new computer has all its PCI slots taken up but theres a free AGP slot. Current card is a GeForce 4 MMX, so I guess this means its PCI? If I get a new AGP graphics card, take the GeForce 4 out, that will mean a free PCI slot for the PCI-USB card right? If its even compatible that is. I found out its only 4xAGP...which is crap right?
Final question: The hard-drive, I don't know anything about hard-drives, so say I got a network cable and transferred all the information I wanted from the old hard-drive to the new one, how do I go about getting the actual physical hard-drive into this one? Re-format the drive? How do I tell if theres even space on the mobo for it? Preferably using SiSoft Sandra.
Any help appreciated.