Free Anarchy Online Untill 2006


Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
In an effort to test out new content and gain popularity, Anarchy Online is allowing people to subscribe to the game absolutly free and play untill 2006. You don't even need a credit card to sign-up. And you can download the client right off their site. Free-Players will be able to play in the original areas of the game, but will not be able to access anything from the 3 expantions, unless they pay. Still, this is a good chance to try out the game.

Check out for details.

I'm downloading the client right now.

I can't play any online games because pings are insanely high even though its a broadband connection. I always wanted to play an MMOG and this gets me oh ever so close to it, but I am still not quite there.

Well all I can say is I love the developers for doing this sort of thing.
Wow is this game any good? I've never played a MMO game in my life...amazingly.
Yeah, it's a fairly good MMO. Worth checking out, especially since it's free.
I was playing a 30 day trial not long ago, loved the game, definitly gonna download this. Cheers for the link.
Hmm, I think I may give this a try. I'm going to be rather bored over Christmas anyway.

Hooray for free stuff.
and to think i paid for this . . .

anywho, i'm downloading it, should be fun [again].

and this is anarchy online, go to other threads to claim how awesome other games are.

While trying to retrieve the URL:

The following error was encountered:

* Connection Failed

The system returned:

(111) Connection refused

The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

nooo ;(

ok, seems to be working now.
I used to play Anarchy Online about a year ago, was completely hooked.. I'm not sure it's that fun with only the original game without the expansion packs though, but it's worth a try.

EDIT: What the heck, I'm downloading this, we should make an organisation or guild or something in the game, perhaps go and fight and level up together :)
CrazyHarij said:
I used to play Anarchy Online about a year ago, was completely hooked.. I'm not sure it's that fun with only the original game without the expansion packs though, but it's worth a try.

EDIT: What the heck, I'm downloading this, we should make an organisation or guild or something in the game, perhaps go and fight and level up together :)

I'm up for that.
I'm downloading it at the moment. Well....just started actually :p 5mb done!. 6 hours to go, 2 hours till bed, will play tommorow, i guess.

Guess it will pass the time till WoW beta...the only online games i can withstand for more than 30minutes are MMO's so all is good that this is one :bounce: ..As for SP games...heh, they are all sucking the big one atm.
I remember playing AO a while back, maybe 2 years ago, fun stuff. Downloading now.
:( they took off the ftp download

and my bittorrent doesn;t work :(
hmm, i hope it doesn't become clogged up with all the new folk. might end up laggy/unplayable. oh well...pass the time until WoW FB :D
Doesn't seem all that popular to me, was hardly anyone around.

I feel sorry for the proper gamers in it though, remember how it was when HL2 was released and all the newbies arrived. Atleast over there they wont let the freeloaders (us who DL'd it) post on the forums hehe, we shoulda done that here ;)
Wow wow wow wow wow wow (not WoW, WOW!). This is such a cool offer, i'm all over this. Although they might terminate the offer if server load gets bad enough to hurt subscriber's performance, lets hope not.
StardogChampion said:
Wow wow wow wow wow wow (not WoW, WOW!). This is such a cool offer, i'm all over this. Although they might terminate the offer if server load gets bad enough to hurt subscriber's performance, lets hope not.

They'd never do that. WHat happens when suscribers start complaining is like so. You get a big barrel with free account names inside it and randomly pull them out a few at a time. These accounts are then banned. ;)
Yay for freebies !! downloading... something to play over Xmas that might take my mind off WoW. Does it have a steep learning curve?
CrazyHarij said:
EDIT: What the heck, I'm downloading this, we should make an organisation or guild or something in the game, perhaps go and fight and level up together :)

Me too, the clan of freeloaders :D
Okay I've made a character, Predateur, write /tell predateur yo and we'll try and meet up.. We need at least 5 members to team up to create the guild though. :)
CrazyHarij said:
Okay I've made a character, Predateur, write /tell predateur yo and we'll try and meet up.. We need at least 5 members to team up to create the guild though. :)
I'll join, simply cause I haven't a ****ing clue what im doing lol it acctually decent ?. as in graphics, animation, sounds, movment etc etc
Ah.. AO, what a hassle.

AO is the worst mmorpg to date, an opinion yes, but a damn good one.

Admitly I liked it for afew months (Till I found other better ones, when I was new to mmorpgs) One of the things that makes the game so awfull is not the game itself, but its bugs, mostly gfx ones so at least theres no gameplay issues, and the fact FUNCOM STOLE MY CASH. I could not disable my user when I stoped playing, there is no way, at least back then there was none, I had to go to my bank and block them, far as I know there still trying to charge me.

Oh, I might start playing again, as they have fixxed alot of bugs, and since its free there will be no worry of them stealing my money again. But most likely will be to busy playing everquest 2 and Ragnarok online.
Can never get that BitTorrent crap to work so ill pass this if i cant find a place to download from..
Yeah the BT is slow as hell, they do have a German server up though, give that a try. The link is on the page just below the BT link.
started playing. created a character called 'Dedalus' on Atlantean (Rubi-Ka 1). i'm a human martial artist for now.

first impressions...graphically it looks a bit poo. combat is irksome and fiddly. but apart from that, i guess the further you get into the game the more interesting it becomes.
Sweet. I loved AO when it started. I'd have to assume it's pretty primative now... but hell... free!
Rather confusing when you first enter the game, combats kind if iffy. But ive only spent 30 minutes on it, so I shouldnt judge.

Im a Martial Artist as well named Kungfucheez (of course)
Ok, I signed up and I chose the no payment data options, is that the one I supposed to choose for the free game trial till 2006?
Fieth said:
Ok, I signed up and I chose the no payment data options, is that the one I supposed to choose for the free game trial till 2006?

Erm, yeah.

Surprisingly enough, the one that you don't pay for is the free option.