Free Anti-virus program?


Jun 25, 2003
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Alright guys I need your help...Whats the best free anti-virus program out there?

I had nortons, but I can't seem to find the cd.Thanks.
What kind of "free"? *winkwink free* or regular free?
Avast is the best one ive encountered. just go to
-Quick, free updates
-Searches for other shit aswell, like worms, spyware, etc.

I used to use avg ( but i heard they no longer provide updates for the free version. (?)
J_Tweedy said:
Avast is the best one ive encountered. just go to
-Quick, free updates
-Searches for other shit aswell, like worms, spyware, etc.

I used to use avg ( but i heard they no longer provide updates for the free version. (?)

You have to download the new AVG Free version to receive updates.
Watch out with AVG though.. uninstall is extremely messy at best.
I used AVG for abit, i thought it was abit poo, it didnt seem to do anything and when it found something, like a trojan it didnt remove it or tell me where it was.
I think Anti-virus is something you really should pay for, and not accept any poorer free versions. I use Nod32.
As much as it pains me to say it, Microsofts new Anti-Spyware program is very neat. It does a very deep scan and picks up viruses and spyware and all that crap. It also has a client that runs in the background permanently checking inbound data for viruses / hijacks / etc.

Alongside that i'm currently running Mcafee's VShield which I keep updated, thats also a realtime scanner that stays out the way and gets the job done.

I don't know why i've got two running, guess i'm just a security freak. I've also got a software firewall alongside a hardware firewall :)

Prizes for anyone that can hack my network :laugh:
This Microsoft Anti-Spyware thing is a joke. They could path their system if they wanted but no, hey, we make a great anti-spyware program! I bet they'll come with a Pro version that will cost money money...
As far as i'm aware, they do patch all holes in the OS, but there's always crap that doesnt rely on OS holes to spread, which is where a live scanner is useful.

Ansispyware is free and does exactly what it's supposed to (and more). Why would they sell a Pro version? What more could it do?
I was going to get trend micro, but i have it free on my shuttle cd.. so i booted that up and it said i have it til 2006... yay for me. Then it started giving me loads of messages to purchase. So bye bye trend micro.

Nod32 is great, you can get it here
it's worth the money imo.
They don't patch all the holes in the OS, they release a patch once in a while but there are alot of bugs they are aware of and don't patch them. What could they include in a pro version? Maybe a super duper cool support for 15$ a month, I dunno, wait and see...