Free ticket to space with 7 UP

Fanta (orange one) > all the rest

even though fanta is from coca cola :angel:
I was wondering how they could give something worth $10,000,000 then I read how you win.

That's me out of the running. :(
SimonomiS said:
I was wondering how they could give something worth $10,000,000 then I read how you win.

That's me out of the running. :(
damn, me too, dag yo
OMG this is bs, oh you can go in to space but you have to build a space ship yourself, cmon who the hell can make a litle space ship himself if you arent rich or a mechanic with loadz of crap in your backyard.

You get a free ride in SpaceShipOne....
Dubbeldrak own everything, especially fanta.
I don't get how soemone could like Fanta, it's like industrial acid with sugar, it gives me the creeps.
Grey Fox said:
Dubbeldrak own everything, especially fanta.
I don't get how soemone could like Fanta, it's like industrial acid with sugar, it gives me the creeps.
the commercials for it suck, thankfully i have yet to try it, i think it'd interfere with my mountain dew IV
Grey Fox said:
Dubbeldrak own everything, especially fanta.
I don't get how soemone could like Fanta, it's like industrial acid with sugar, it gives me the creeps.

I dont get how you can like cola, when I drink it my nose feels like its going to explode. I only like the orange one, well I like other ones to but thats my favourite.
"7 UP has a long history of firsts starting with the first lemon lime soft drink which began the uncola revolution."

How brave
Sorry for the stupid, but why are you guys out of the competition? Or is it just cause you dont drink 7 up?
Open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and District of Columbia, 18 years old or older at time of participation.

spookymooky said:
Sorry for the stupid, but why are you guys out of the competition? Or is it just cause you dont drink 7 up?
You have to build a spaceship and fly to space.
'7 up your ass' with rocket fuel?, no thanks, Rockets are are a cavemans tool in my world :p, I wouldnt sit at the other end of one if someone gave me all the cookies in the world.
To hell with corporate drinks company, I am going to build a space ship out of a trash can, 6 very large fireworks and some tinfoil, test launch on friday.
Shodan said:
To hell with corporate drinks company, I am going to build a space ship out of a trash can, 6 very large fireworks and some tinfoil, test launch on friday.
be sure to post pics when your done! :P

BTW wtf is this? I'm to lazy to read it... do you have to build a space ship with a 7up can or something? :E