Free version of windows Vista, Office 2007


May 5, 2004
Reaction score

watch 3 videos and get vista or office 6 videos and get both

found at shacknews far anyone who was talking about it hadnt watched all 3 movies but from what I can gather you might have to pay taxes or shipping
The connection has timed out

The server at is taking too long to respond.


*** shipping not included
shipping is $27 canadian (around $24 US) ..I know cuz I just got a copy of winxp that came with a free upgrade to Vista
I think it's because they don't allow connections to be made outside of the US. Wouldn't surprise me ;(
well some of the people were complaining they couldnt connect could just be overloaded with peeps
I can access the site just fine, but I can't launch the vids.

Darn I can't even do it using a proxy :| That has always worked for me up till now.
ya but the videos dont have to hosted on the same site
too long and tedious, and not even guaranteed a copy.
Watch a few webcasts and get a free copy of Windows Vista? What's the catch?

-Not loading for me either-

Edit: Loading, just very slowly.
The Power Together Campaign consists of two (2) offers, the Windows Vista Business Offer and the Microsoft Office Professional 2007 Offer, and is open only to legal residents of the 50 United States (includes District of Columbia) 18 years of age or older.
:( pity.
Watch a few webcasts and get a free copy of Windows Vista? What's the catch?

-Not loading for me either-

Edit: Loading, just very slowly.
You need to watch the videos, then send off details about yourself for data-mining ("so we can decide the right vista copy for you"), then if you get selected, you will recieve a copy 6-8 weeks after they ship.
I think you might also have to be working for a company or something. I'll pass.
You cant get both.
Limit one gift per person per Offer.

And it looks like they want you to be part of some kind of business. But since I own a website I can pass it off.

And this site seems a little fishy. Right after you register it loads a page with "Sorry, a System Error Occurred"
Or the site could just be getting hammered.

But for a chance to get a $300 OS for free, I'll gladly take some mail into my spam folder. haha

EDIT: Got past the error page and I'm all registered. About to do my first session.
If you are eligible to receive a free copy of Windows Vista Business*, we’ll begin shipping your copy within 6 to 8 weeks after Windows Vista is released to manufacturing. While you’re waiting, why not attend a Windows Vista event, or check the Community section to see some of the cool things others are doing.

How long after it is released to stores?
well business edition should already be out ..but for a few selected businesses

the retail version is supposed to come out on Jan 30th 2007

edit: whoops I read that wrong can order it right now and it will ship when it goes retail
ya the site keeps saying 'service unavalible' when i click it
Congratulations! You’ve completed the number of Webcasts required to receive a free, fully-licensed copy of Windows Vista Business. Once we’ve confirmed that you meet the eligibility requirements stated in the offer details below we will ship your gift within 6-8 weeks of the release to manufacturing of Windows Vista. While you’re waiting, why not check out additional Webcasts to further your skills?

Now we wait and see...
looks like they ran out of free copys of vista. Still some office ones remaining. I'm alwas suspicous of data mining stuff so I didn't participate.
We're sorry, there are no more gifts available. There are still plenty of things to explore and to learn about Windows Vista. Enter now to learn more!