free web hosting


May 22, 2005
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hey guys i wanna make a webpage without actually buying a domain. i know geocities allows 15 MB, but does anyone know of any better ones that give more megs? thanks.
Lets see...
On my freewebs acount I have 19.1 Mb used space and 22.8 Mb available, so that's 42 Mb overall.
I also have 500Mb of bandwidth before ads have to be added to the site for the rest of the month.
Psh, you can get 'decent' web hosting for like £3/month anyway.

and if you really don't want to buy a domain just point a [dot]TK at it or something :p.
I run a free webhosting site off of my ass.
I run a free webhosting site off my cock.

edit - 800 teraflops of un-germinated memory

Sheikah42 said:
hey guys i wanna make a webpage without actually buying a domain. i know geocities allows 15 MB, but does anyone know of any better ones that give more megs? thanks.

You get what you pay for.

Trust me.

I searched for a good free web host for nearly a year.

They all either have low bandwith space and features (IE no php), don't offer any customer service (nobody will ever answer your emails), or go down after a few months.

The third usually entails the first two.