Free Web Strategy game to play


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
I noticed on my magazines DVD, it gave a link to this site

I've only just registered my self, but if you want to join its free, plus it does look interesting, especially for a web based game
Ahh we must all start a guild or something!! Muahahhahaha
I Just registered, ill check it out.

Planet Cuba for teh win!

Nm...i'd rather go back to space merchants or earth 2025
I have started a colony on Planet Dlexis (In Universe 4) if anyones interested

Damn, can't send any ships out yet, I guess going on the forums is one way of speeding up construction (Or at least get my mind of it)
Hmm.. I just wish for Astronest to return. I'll try this one out. I played 1000AD for the longest time. Got really good at it. But since I wasn't in a team of people that helped each other out alot..I kept getting knocked down from like 4th place to 400th.

Nah, not owned. It's the way of that game. It's really easy to knock people down, and when an alliance sees you on top, they have everybody hit you. First thehighest guy will knock you down, then someone else below then will hit you...this is of course after their massive amounts of spys kill all your army. So you're defenseless and just getting raped.

And one person that was in a worthless alliance really have nothing to fear form a total retalliation.