Free Wi-fi internet gaming in next generation


Sep 27, 2004
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I just read an interview with Nintendo's Reggie on Gamespot. He mentioned something that I hadn't heard before. Nintendo plans to offer Wi-fi internet gameplay for FREE! At first I thought he just misspoke, but then I read something about it over at IGN as well. I have been racking my brain to think of a way that Nintendo could do this, but I just can't fathom it. Does anybody know how Nintendo could offer free wi-fi internet play?
It will Wi-Fi with the next Gameboy? or is it infact the DS I forgot..?

Now for actual Wi-Fi internet play there will be a price for your Wi-Fi internet from your ISP. But they wont charge you to go online and play.

They probably can do this because there going to try and make it work like..lets say valve games...

Where the players pay $ to keep servers up to play on(So players put up the servers). Just like in steam games...all but maybe 2 or 3 of those servers are not owned by valve but by the players.
Minerel said:
It will Wi-Fi with the next Gameboy? or is it infact the DS I forgot..?

The DS will feature online gaming eventually. I think they said like 3rd or 4th quarter. Animal Crossing is for sure going to be online...not sure about Mario Kart, but that would be awesome.

I'm assuming the next GameBoy will be online also.