Free Zombie RPG - And it's Fun!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
It's not shitty text adventure kind of Neopets type bullshit, it's an actual game, multiplayer OR singleplayer.

It's really fun, too. It's still in Beta, but sign-ups are free, give it a try people!
I used to play this back when the beta first came out. I have a ****load of money. What's your name?
I hope the admin has put in more of the features.. it used to be pretty dull in the beginning.
My account name is Dog--, My character name is Tommy B.
****ers deleted my account. Bullshit no accounts that bought credit get deleted.

Time to respectfully complain.
It's so god damn dark... ****. I died twice now..
Looks interesting. Will play tomorrow.
I got all of my credits back, plus a little extra. Damn these are some cool mods. Anyway, anyone wanna coop or pvp?
Ive been playing this game for a few months now,Acepilot14 ill coop with you sometime just let me know when.:)
Well, now I've got to start leveling again. Time to rush. :D
It's okay, but I'd like for someone to do a serioues zombie survival RPG, that requires you to manage food, rations, decide to raid a police station or what, etc etc.