Freedom Fighters 2?

Jul 17, 2003
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I read an article not too long ago that said it was slated for going gold in 2005 or something, but I haven't been able to find ANY other info on it.

I don't know what the storyline could pick up as. Maybe in LA or something driving them out there?

I really enjoyed Freedom Fighters, one of the only third person shooters I've liked, and I'd be thrilled if another one were released that expanded on the story. I loved the Red Dawnesque environment and the feelings you got when playing the game, especially in a time like this.
Well, havn't read anything about it, but it might as well be true, because IO (Danish Power, YES! :D) released Hitman3 from some while ago.

But it seems likely that the story could pick ud in LA, there must have been more Freedom Figthers.

I loved the feeling, that you couldn't trust any, and the hole mood of capture country, and for once, America in trouble on their own front.
712 said:
there must have been more Freedom Figthers.

Well, we know there were from the propogandized news broadcasts. If you read the little scrolling marquee on the bottom of the newsanchor, at one point it says that in Montana they rebelled so badly right at the onset of the invasion (unlike New York, which did slowly) that they just nuked them. "10,000 rebel criminals were believed to be killed by nuclear fallout in Montana"
712 said:
Well, havn't read anything about it, but it might as well be true, because IO (Danish Power, YES! :D) released Hitman3 from some while ago.

...but in my book it's known as an expansion pack. I mean they f'd up all the good stuff of hitman 2 in it, I was utterly dissapointed.

As for freedom fighters, it is definately one of the best squad based game I've played in a while. Looking forward to a sequel.
I loved the first game although it got a little repetative near the end. They should make it a little more open ended like GTA
RakuraiTenjin said:
Well, we know there were from the propogandized news broadcasts. If you read the little scrolling marquee on the bottom of the newsanchor, at one point it says that in Montana they rebelled so badly right at the onset of the invasion (unlike New York, which did slowly) that they just nuked them. "10,000 rebel criminals were believed to be killed by nuclear fallout in Montana"
Well, can't say that I remember that much, but it might be good to replay in the waiting time for Half Life 2.

lans said:
...but in my book it's known as an expansion pack. I mean they f'd up all the good stuff of hitman 2 in it, I was utterly dissapointed.
Yes, I played the demo, and there was something wrong about the hole thing.

CptStern said:
I loved the first game although it got a little repetative near the end. They should make it a little more open ended like GTA
You get some sense of chose, when you are able to select wicth of the locations you will deal with first. But on the Hard level there isn't that much options. Fx it is almost impossible to pass a helikopter, so blowing the helipad first is very important. But yes, it got a bit repetative at the end, I just missed some of the sneak/silent missions like the assasination mission.

BTW, any one played the bonus map? With the Statue of Liberty. That was kind of dull. Thank god they didn't used it in the main game... :imu:
Ah yes, freedom fighters. That game had great atmosphere, great music, and those tv report cutscenes were awesome. It would have been nice if the order in which you chose the missions had more of an impact on the story, but I suppose that's hard to do in a cutscene-heavy game like this.

Looking forward to FF2 indeed.
Should be some blood in FF and mabye some bulletholes.
Coincidence, I just bought FF today. Liked it so far. The squad AI is really good, and their pathfinding is amazing. This is the first game ever where having squadmembers means you have to babysit them, they're never really annoying.

I'm now in the Harbor level.
So is this still planned for release Q4 2005? I've heard nothing about new except the things I'd heard before, that it's in development, but the time stated above is rapidly approaching.
I've heard nothing of it lately, I hope it is still in developement FF was awesome.
Ah, well, looked on the FF2 forum gamespot hosts, good to see EA games won't be publishing it and Eidos will.
I loved the multiplayer, but only 3 maps! (I played it on PS2)
IO interactive have made the only two 3rd person game I really liked: Hitman and Freedom Fighters.
I liked it but there are some things that NEED to be added or changed/wishlist:
1)No more super evil commies. The game itself was very insulting to Russians. RUSSIANS DO NOT LOOK LIKE CORPSE CLONES WHO EAT BABIES!
2)More stealth missions.
3)Undercover missions.
4)Medics, please have this concept art guy that they did in FF1. He is so cool.
5)Entire new cast of characters, with possible cameos.
6)Former US Army paramilitaries. These are a must. If a country is invaded, I expect to see some roughed up guys with roughed up BDUs and helmets. The closest FF came to this were the Policemen early in the game.
7)More accurate weapons. Seriously.
8)Blood. Even if its just a poof. I NEED IT.
9)At least twice as many resistance fighter models. Once again, please use former concepts for more models.

And thats it.:D
French Ninja said:
I liked it but there are some things that NEED to be added or changed/wishlist:
1)No more super evil commies. The game itself was very insulting to Russians. RUSSIANS DO NOT LOOK LIKE CORPSE CLONES WHO EAT BABIES!
2)More stealth missions.
3)Undercover missions.
4)Medics, please have this concept art guy that they did in FF2. He is so cool.
5)Entire new cast of characters, with possible cameos.
6)Former US Army paramilitaries. These are a must. If a country is invaded, I expect to see some roughed up guys with roughed up BDUs and helmets. The closest FF came to this were the Policemen early in the game.
7)More accurate weapons. Seriously.
8)Blood. Even if its just a poof. I NEED IT.
9)At least twice as many resistance fighter models. Once again, please use former concepts for more models.

And thats it.:D
Where did you get that concept art for FF2?!?! :O!!!!

I'd love to see US Soldiers in the band of fighters, too.

It'd be cool to base it somewhere else to get the new cast. Chris Stone was pretty much New York City's hero, leader (besides Isabella) and widely known.

Something say... L.A. maybe, or just somewhere different, different atmosphere to it, too. Maybe treks in more than one city?
I rather have it in a completely different country. London perhaps.
And I must be sleepy. That concept is from FF1. Stupid typo. :D
French Ninja said:
I rather have it in a completely different country. London perhaps.
And I must be sleepy. That concept is from FF1. Stupid typo. :D
Oooh that'd be cool.

I want to fight the Russians -everywhere- :(. Perhaps they could put lots of continents, cities, etc theatres and roles to take up in it? Hmm

edit: LMAO in London they could have a chav replace 'the kid' for that character spot. Hey, I'd gladly fight alongside them if they were helping the cause and against the Soviets! Haha
TheSomeone said:
IO interactive have made the only two 3rd person game I really liked: Hitman and Freedom Fighters.
What about Max Payne series? ;(
Maybe Washington, get some west coast action in!
But seriously in Washington DC you could take the Whitehouse back!
ríomhaire said:
Maybe Washington, get some west coast action in!
But seriously in Washington DC you could take the Whitehouse back!

And "rescue" President Bush... with my shotgun.
xlucidx said:
And "rescue" President Bush... with my shotgun.
:p I doubt we'd have the same line of Presidents had the historical events outlines in the FF1 intro taken place the way they did.
I played the start of Max Payne 2. OMG, I could not express in words how much I hated it :bonce:
Someone on another forum mentioned this and you know what, it was absolutely correct.

"You know what was so great about Freedom Fighters? It never mentions politics, not once"