Freelance Computer Design System

The PC Nerd

Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
I am designing a
freelance - no this doesn't mean free it means alone*
computer design - Anything(php, mysql, websites, programs, art, etc.)
System/Database - Large colection of entries.
*We will have options for corporations of designers to sign up with special accounts to receive work.

Right now we have a team of 3/4(one hasn't been online or responded to email in a while) We may be looking for a graphic designer if they are skilled enough(aka better than me :) ) It is about 27% done and currently in slow progress.

This is not the average work database. We are having many unique and soon to be patent/copywrighted(whatever) so no one can steal them from us.
I am looking to create a Q & A database so everyone can learn more about it so please ask questions.
I'm a n00b.

Erm... what is it? :p
It is a system for freelance programmers, web designers, graphic artists, etc. to sign up and then be provided work from people who need a website, program, business card, etc. designed.

OMG Double post, i hope you guys are anal about that but if you are its fine with me :)
Hmm... Interesting.

So if I was a graphics designer, I'd use this database and I'd get a request to come up to create a new logo for someone? That kinda thing?
Yes but you would never know anythign but thier first name. This prevents people from working around the system and avoiding the small percentages, which become huge percentages at other places because of people working around the system.
Thats a neat idea. I'm surprised no one thought of that before. Good luck with your whole project.
The PC Nerd said:
I am designing a
freelance - no this doesn't mean free it means alone*
computer design - Anything(php, mysql, websites, programs, art, etc.)
System/Database - Large colection of entries.
*We will have options for corporations of designers to sign up with special accounts to receive work.

Right now we have a team of 3/4(one hasn't been online or responded to email in a while) We may be looking for a graphic designer if they are skilled enough(aka better than me :) ) It is about 27% done and currently in slow progress.

This is not the average work database. We are having many unique and soon to be patent/copywrighted(whatever) so no one can steal them from us.
I am looking to create a Q & A database so everyone can learn more about it so please ask questions.

I don't get it ;(
so you're a freelancer, yet you work with a team of 3? I think im missing something ;(
He's designing a system for freelance designers to use.

It will be a large database so that clients can have accounts with the database and submit work for the designers to do.

For example if you are a freelance graphics designer and one of your clients is HalfLife2.Net and we want a new logo made, we'd submit the specification to you, you'd work on it and then send it back through the database.

That's how I roughly understand it anyway.
The Mullinator said:
Thats a neat idea. I'm surprised no one thought of that before. Good luck with your whole project.

It has been done before, quite a few times, and IIRC their still going strong. There's one for actors, voice actors, artists, coders, directors and so on. You can probably find atleast one for every type of career going (within reason)


Chris_D said:
He's designing a system for freelance designers to use.

It will be a large database so that clients can have accounts with the database and submit work for the designers to do.

For example if you are a freelance graphics designer and one of your clients is HalfLife2.Net and we want a new logo made, we'd submit the specification to you, you'd work on it and then send it back through the database.

That's how I roughly understand it anyway.

hmm, I thought it was different.. If its how you suggest, and their planning on doing it for free (bad idea) I'm sure the IRS will want to have a chat with them, not to mention it would blacklist everyone working under them for getting real jobs (pissing off the industry offering to do free work and taking jobs away from those who need the money, really dumb)
----As a reply to the "website hurting my eyes" response...
*It's called crap and it's what happens when you design a website and then are demanded to remove your old website because it looks to much like another when you designed it yourself and it looked great. So i put that pos up and am going to redeisgn when the system starts.

----As a reply to the "its been done before" response...
*We realize that there are many other companies that already provide this service. Our program is very different in many ways. There will be many benifits in jioning including free testing for verification of skill and many out of the system(real world, people) tools along with many computer tools. There will also be systems embedded that stop work-spamming(posting work for yourself in order to receive better aprooval rankings and work-hogs(taking all the work and then working on in with a team). Team accounts are a specialty of the system that you must sign up for seperately and are treated differently in order to be fair to all users of the system.

----Here is how the base of it works...
*Bob needs a website designed and goes to the website to post the job.
*The system creates a SMALL list of people who deserve the work(based on grades, current work, past work acceptance, etc) then contacts all in the group about it and if they don't respond in the specified ammount of time(partly chosen by buyer+system) they lose the work and it is passed on to the next in the list who hasn't been shown the job.
*Joe, Jim, Jed, and jack all see the job(the real list is much larger) joe denies it, jim accepts for $100+4 days , jed accepts for $50 and 2 weeks and jack accepts for $75 + 1 day.
*Bob gets a notification that someone has responded with a price and is shown 3 rows of informaion about each person but no contact or name. The rows include aprooval rating, grade on tests that apply to this job, time frame, and price(more things also)
*Bob accepts the $75.
*Jack works on it posting info and completed work to the system(so if he leaves/time runs out bob gets his money back and the finished work so far for a percentage of the pay)
*Jack finishes and clicks project done. Bob is notified looks at preview and denies it because the work is crap to him. Well we send an employee to check the work out to see if its crap and if it is NOT crap we apply a Good Work Denied tag and Bob is flagged and fined a percentage of the pay for the work.
That sounds really cool!

Do you think it would apply for photography? Because Im much more into that than graphic art. (i can use photoshop fairly well though :) )

And I'm a damn fine phtographer. I've won awards!

Will you be releasing the code or will you actually be running a freelance web site with this script and it will not be distributed?