

Sucked so much dick for this title
Aug 29, 2006
Reaction score
An older, free-roaming space combat sim with an economy.. it reminded me of EVE online only a bit more exciting in terms of combat, but not nearly as big. It's fun, but the character models are horrible and some of the voice acting is ew. And everything is WAY out of scale... wtf do you mean I can cross the entire world in like 5 seconds?

Anyone else played this?
yes and i loved it. Played through it 3 times. Multiplayer is enjoyable too! Great fun
Played it and enjoyed it. Be nice if they made a sequel.

Oh and I teamed with my friend to blast nubs who were new to the multiplayer, hehe...
My brother played it heaps but I found it repeditive, it didn't help that I lost my saved game a few times.
nice game but certainly not worth the almost 6 year development cycle :/
OMG I loved this if ridiculously simple and easy gameplay, decent single-player campaign, awesome atmosphere, gigantic world, and awesome optional backstory.

Too bad the chances of a decent sequel are next to nil. Shame, because it's just asking for one.
Ugh, it was fun but nothing compared to say, Frontier: Elite 2, or Frontier: First Encounters.:)