Freeman's Mind


Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
ok, I think you've seen it and this have been posted before, since it's old and the pure awesomeness can't really go undetected. But anyways, if you have missed it, I present to you: Freeman's Mind!


This is comedy gold
Been following since the first episode came out (about two years ago). It's really funny stuff
I've seen this, it's really 'meh'. I didn't notice before he sounds a bit like Ray Romano.
He realy should do a HL2 one along side of this. Oh, the posibilities.
I've seen this, it's really 'meh'. I didn't notice before he sounds a bit like Ray Romano.

you better watch more than episode 1, or you'll definatively miss on something ^^
I've watched 3 or 4 episodes. In that 20 minutes plus I laughed once, it rarely made me smile other than that.
^^ I see we have different tastes in comedy then ;)
I posted this about 4 months ago... and you all acted like I had some highly contagious disease. :(
I thought it was funny on the first episode - past that, it grew a little stale and the jokes became too over-the-top and predictable for it to be funny.

Now the series I really like, by the same creator, is Civil Protection. I discovered the gem 2 years ago and I loved it. Shame that they only release a new episode every 3 or 4 months and the recent episodes (only 2 new ones I believe, Oil's Well and the one about the doughnut shop) haven't really been all that funny (mind you, the Oil's Well one was pretty informative if the information is true).
Pretty boring and unfunny.

This is coming from a man who giggles when you say "but whole" together in a sentence.

If Willie does not find this funny, than it is clearly not funny.

*Completely disregards thread, video, past and future posts*