French People eat babies?

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Here come the dead baby jokes :(

WTF why eat babies T_T also best title eva!
You have no idea how hard I am laughing at the title.
These kinds of things don't usually happen here, but when they do, an European guy is responsible. D:
Oh god, where is Tom Cruise during all of this baby eating?
How many dead babies should you keep in your house?

Depends on how big your freezer is.

That's actually about as good as dead baby jokes get.
What's better than three dead babies in a mailbox?

One dead baby in three mailboxes.
What's the difference between a dumptruck full of bowling balls, and a dumptruck full of dead babies?

One you can unload with a pitch fork.
What's the difference between a Van Gogh masterpiece and a dead baby?

I don't have a Van Gogh masterpiece nailed to my wall.
What's the diffence between a ham sandwich and a dead baby?

I don't have sex with my sandwich before I eat it.
What's black and white and dead all over?

A dead baby in my pool.

What's black and white and red and purple and green and yellow and orange all over?

The same baby a week later.

What's orange and red and clawing at a glass screen?

A baby in a microwave.

Yeah, yeah, I know, not technically a dead baby joke...
What's the difference between a dead baby and a trampoline?
When you jump on a trampoline, you take your boots off.

How many babies does it take to paint a house?
Depends how hard you throw them.

How do you get 100 babies into a bucket?
With a blender!
How do you get them out again?
With tortilla chips!!!
lol at that last one.

What's more fun than swinging a dead baby around on a rope?

Stopping it. With a wall.

What's the difference between a dead baby and a boot?

You dont' have to gut a boot to walk around with one on your foot.
Why is the death of a baby so taboo?

Because it's an extremely sad occurence which shouldn't ever happen in our world.
What is more disgusting than a pile of 100 dead babies?

One live one in the middle is eating its way out.
Surprised a mod hasn't closed this yet lololol.
What do you get when you cut a baby down the middle with a penknife?

An erection!
There is a line of morality that you have crossed with extreme prejudice. This line is just a blurry object in the distance now.

See the line? It's vanishing...vanishing..
What does a blind, deaf, quadriplegic baby get for Christmas ?


What's the difference between a Ferrari and a pile of dead babies?

I don't have a Ferarri in my garage.

How many dead babies can fit in a barrel?

4 1/2.

What's the difference between a dead baby and an onion.

You don't cry when you chop up a dead baby.

How do you make a baby cry twice?

Wipe your bloody cock on his teddy bear.

If a tree falls on a baby in the forest, and no one is

around to hear it, is it still hilarious?

What has 4 legs and one arm?

A Pit Bull in a children's playground!
What's the difference between a pile of dead babies and a sport's car?

For one, sport cars do not decompose like organic organisms. Also keeping a pile of dead babies is extremely taboo in almost all civilized cultures.
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