Friday Giveaway - Twin Sector


Sep 4, 2004
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Thanks to [url=" ]DnS[/url] for the Steam Keys. Enjoy this chance to win and check out the game on [url=" ]Steam[/url].?If you desire to win a copy we need you to reply with what sort of dreams you would of had while in a "cryogenic chamber". Use anything to be creative to explain your dreams.?Winners will be selected Sunday.?Check out the Demo [url=" ]here[/url]!</div>
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[b]About the Game:[/b]

The story of [i]Twin Sector[/i] takes place in a post-apocalyptic future where the remains of mankind have been put to artificial sleep in cryogenic chambers deep under the contaminated surface of earth ? until the planet becomes habitable again.[br]You as the player must take the role of Ashley Simms, the protagonist of [i]Twin Sector[/i]. Suddenly awakened by the station's security A.I. system O.S.C.A.R., you face the imminent extinction of all other still sleeping survivors due to an unknown failure in the life support system. According to O.S.C.A.R., you are the only person who was able to be woken and therefore the only individual capable of saving mankind. Within the next ten hours you will need to repair the broken main generator of the subterranean bunker system in order to reestablish the station's functionality. But there are yet unknown forces trying to prevent you from succeeding at all costs![/quote]
I had a dream that this wasn't covered by insurance, and the entire world woke up to financial ruin when every single person, company, and government therefore woke up to be quite bankrupt. This was mixed in with visions of the failed cryogenic operation video, where they remove that guy's head for the freezer (probably what put this in my head, thank you very much NPR). Afterwards you could spot rich people because they had the 'better' freezers, and didn't have missing digits and skin blemishes whatnot from frostbite when the cheaper freezers had their minor failures (major failures resulted in death, eliminating most of the entire previous lower class). Generally everyone was pretty happy to be alive in spite of all this though.
I would dream that I was Ashley Simms. Suddenly awakened by the station's security A.I. system O.S.C.A.R., I face the imminent extinction of all other still sleeping survivors due to an unknown failure in the life support system. According to O.S.C.A.R., I am the only person who was able to be woken and therefore the only individual capable of saving mankind. Within the next ten hours I need to repair the broken main generator of the subterranean bunker system in order to re-establish the station's functionality. But there are yet unknown forces trying to prevent me from succeeding at all costs!

Good thing it was just a dream.
Given that Cryogenic chambers work by freezing every molecule of your being, you wouldn't be able to transmit thoughts throughout your brain. Therefore you wouldn't dream, and waking up would, to you, be instantaneous from the moment you were frozen.
I would dream of finding the truth at the end of a long wait, the wait is known to end in a certain number of seconds, 1 second after I wake up. I never find out what the truth is and proceed to go insane upon awakening.
I'd dream I was eating bacon. I love bacon.

edit: ninja edit
One entry or ?
Well i will dream what have i done in my life(Ashley's) but everything in different ways. She won't rescue all the people in first place. She will die and die and die until she is confused what is real and what is not.
But the supreme dream that i will have that i can't save the people(before the game) and i blame me for everything that happens to all and say to me that i am a peace of trash. "I am so a peace of trash, how couldn't i helped them god dammit!" i would say and then die! And everything goes overagain so can my brain washed and can't remember a bit of thing that happens before the Awakening.
Given that Cryogenic chambers work by freezing every molecule of your being, you wouldn't be able to transmit thoughts throughout your brain. Therefore you wouldn't dream, and waking up would, to you, be instantaneous from the moment you were frozen.

Youre being just about as creative as a person in a cryogenic chamber. :D:D:D
That my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
The impending coalition of North Korea, China, and Afghanistan will join, and launch a war on the world. In the west- the Western Alliance, with America, the U.K., France, Spain, Portugal, Russia, Germany, and Norway. In the east- The break-off of Russia, the Siberian Republic, China, the Korea Collective[South Korea is quickly subjected to N.K.'s rule, as the WA is reluctant to interfere and aid them], the Pan-Arabian Coalition, and, of course the neutrals- Sweden and Australia. [New Zealand is now Australia's, **** you KA]

The war starts out cold and bloodless- wars in the caucus, political fights, the breakdown of the republican party in the U.S. in favor of an extremist right-wing Party. The E.U. breaks down as each European nation begins mass-mobilization in favor of war, and grand satellites are shot into orbit with experimental weapons. Russia undergoes another civil war, resulting in the Siberian Republic and Nationalist Russia, and grand machinations of war, 'Steel Harbingers', are created by Western engineers. The East steals the designs for these, and now the great hounds of war, propelled by dwindling supplies of oil and by the now-plausible nuclear reactors, are built on both sides. The U.S. president, President Banneker, launches the first attack with troops still stationed in Iraq. One of the war satellites, code-named 'Zalsinsky', fires on Afghan-Paki territory, causing massive destruction and paving the way for an easy invasion. Satellites fire on satellites. War machines march through the old cities of St. Petersburg and Nice.

And while all this is happening the people in Africa are dying of malaria.
My Cyrogenic Dream

I would dream about having hot sex with Alyx and then giving hey a pedicure. Then elves would show up my door with pizza, saying that G-man is in the tree house outback and he wants to meet us!
I would dream of the last times I had that were pleasant, living life normally with happiness and good times. Or sometimes engaged in a War, an enemy army is invading your Country. With high tech gear the enemy is unstoppable. Things aren't going too well, and its up to you, a civilian, to help hold off the enemy and evacuate cities because of the lack of your own Country's support and troops. After loosing almost everything and your County has been completely taken over by the enemy you must now live as a fugitive playing hide and seek with the enemy seeking to raid camps and preserve what still remains.
I would dream of a zombie invasion. I would either wake up in a zombie invasion or just not know how I was in stasis. I'd surely be teaming up with Captain America (again) to fight the invasion.

That's the sort of dream I would HAVE had.
I would dream of flying over the barren world and watching it heal slowly, waiting to once again support life. Seeing the fissures crumble into plains and greenery returning to the world. I'd watch the brown clouds clearing and the Sun once again peaking through into the world; those first life-giving rays poking through the smokescreen. I'd wait for the weather cycles to return and dance through the rain and into the mountain streams. I would see the new species filling the world; unimaginable plants and animals. And at the climax I would fly into the sky and wake up to see what the world had become.
They said that I'd just fall asleep and wake up. This isn't what they told me would happen. I can think, I'm still alive. DO YOU HEAR ME!? I'M STILL IN HERE! I can't speak. No one would be around to hear me even if I could. I'm trapped within myself. There is no sight here. No sound, no taste, no sensation. My skull's become an inescapable prison. Nothing exists except a black void where my thoughts bounce endlessly. I just want to wake up.

Time means nothing, I once tried to keep track. I gave up after what I had counted was 27 years. How can I be sure when I can not even feel time? For all I know the technicians haven't even walked away yet. This isolation and darkness has swallowed me whole. Even the sentences of my monologue feel like they are being drawn away from me, beyond the pitch.

More and more words fail me. Emotions, the raw tips of nerves are all that peak through the invisible bubbling foam. Moments of rage or despair. Fleeting delusions of hope. There's nothing left in the hollow words I once felt could describe anything. This is nothing I could ever express. Each time thoughts fade, something approaching peace rises. It's the uneasy peace of dreamless sleep.

This all there ever will be. A blackness that lacks even black. Nothingness that lacks even nothing. If I were to die now, would there be a difference?
I would dream I'm walking around an abandoned test chambers with a wormhole opening device, sloving puzzles by shooting multi colored portals at walls while a deranged AI is talking to me and cracking jokes. I also befriend a cube at some point.
I would be Dreamed going into Valve and being a Beta Tester there . it happen like this :
Gabe Newell invited me along with the other staff from Valve just saying hi and taking a tour. I notict a lot of PC lined up along with many ppl in one Big Room . I also get to see Robin walker .after I took a Job as a TF2 Beta Tester , we Discussed about how maybe that Valve(us) could add the :

AFK Animation for all classes should be added.

what new Weapons that hoping to be Balanced and such .

and after all that we took a Break . we all lolled about the lots of Mistake the company Made back in the old times . and Since I finished my Time part Job they give me a Special Gift : a Community Weapon Knife . just soo Awesome that I found that this Dream was so Detail. or maybe I was saying in this Dream . maybe I played TF2 much .

thinking what Real mistakes I did in real life . this Dream made me to my final Conclusion.

"You dont have to do something Big to let Valve love ya unless they did for ya a favor . just have a little time and thank the Company for their Awesome game , also Remember that playing too much game per day in a lot in hr can make your live no good"

in this Dream was a msg . maybe I'm addicted . maybe not . I'm saying that in my dream . but I dont care . its just a Dream . and there ya go . Floating Between Space of Dreams or going to Reality . and what I choose :


ok I hope this will be a Clear story . sometimes my English grammar are weird . Excuse me for it .

I would dream of not being hung over from last nights Christmas lunch..
Yes, I think I would dream about someone getting me out of this cryogenic chamber.

Nightmares of losing my daughter. Nightmares of never seeing her again. Nightmares of her being subject to a worse fate than mine. Unanswered questions fill my dreams.
Would I be deported with her? Perhaps sold to the mining camps? Would the Federation seize these pirates for our liberation?
We were only trying to make a living, but nothing is ever that simple. This is all I ever dream about. This is my only reality. A cycle of questions.

-I hear a sudden ringing; my alarm.
I hear the cold mechanical voice initiate the thawing system. As the metallic doors screech open, I fall limp and lifeless out from my frozen womb, and into a dozen metallic hands.
Bright burning light of a thousand suns is all I can see. The brightness burns into me until, with a gentle push, goggles are firmly placed onto my face; my temporary eyes. The mechanical hands pull me up the wall like a dozen centipede legs. I feel the hydraulics placed into my limbs; an unimaginable pain, but many years of sleep have left me with no memory on how to scream.
I am gently brought down to the floor.

A uniformed man approaches me, I cannot speak, and I fear for the worst. “John Richen?“ he knows my name, “Everything is alright John, we’re with the Federation and we’ve taken complete control of the situation” a feeling of gratitude and hope fills me, “And Mr. Richen” the man says, “There is someone here to see you”
My God, it’s her…. My beautiful little Linda. She’s glowing like an angel in her blue dress.
Years of mental torment and this is my salvation. I stubble to her with all my joyous strength.
I reach to touch her soft face, I await so eagerly to hear her say “Papa” again.

“John” she says, “John”. Why does she not call me Papa? Does she remember me?
“John” again, “John”, her voice grows cold, she fades into nothing...

“Wake up, John"
Competition is now closed - we will judge the entries tomorrow afternoon!
Congratulations to the following 4 winners:


Some notes: although kg's was a comic, we liked the scientific bluntness to it. ZTs was a pleasure to read (a short story but love the creativity). Enjoyed the poetic nature of riomhaire's and the bleakness of Jossi's (welcome to!). Thanks to all who entered.
Sweet. Another game on my long list of games I need to finish/play. I assume I get emailed/PM'd an activation code?
Kick ass! Pleasure to have taken part! Look forward to giving the game a spin, it looks really interesting.
Damn, again not win
Congats to all winners
PS: i dissagree for kgwhipp because it's not what will dream Ashley duh...but anyways you are the jourey you deside not me :)
I would dream of being a ninja and being in a room full of people with guns. Then I kick all their asses. And seeing Jesus Christ.
I've gone through a few levels so far and I have to say I am enjoying it. It's a solid puzzler, we'll see how it stands up in the later levels but I'm certainly glad I get the chance to play this game.