Friends Bug Lives On?! [PlzRead]



Friends Bug Still Exists?

I need some help, and have a few things to say.

first of all, i was wondering if when you re-install steam, and it does the updating platform thing, does it update it to the latest, so i would get both the updates that came out right? (i thought it did).....

untill i noticed, that friends bug still occurs. I tested it, and whenever i add a friend, he appears on my list offline untill he accepts the authorization of course, but when you delete the person, you cannot add him back to the list. Anybody else still get this? i thought the update would have fixed it, it turns out not. I tried 3 different names, the same thing happened to each of them. When you try to re-add a friend after deleting him/her, that persons name will no longer appear on your friends list.