Frontlines: Fuel of War (Multiplayer FPS)

Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
I never noticed this game before, but scrubbing through the trailers the gameplay looks sweet. Seems like there's good diversity, vehicles, weapons, accuracy, rc vehicles, tactical equipment, etc to make a fun experience. I haven't really looked into it before, but I think this is one worth watching.
yet it radiates, gameplay, innovation...its all been done before, better
Watching the videos now. Seems rather uninspired, and like the fundamental design of the game was to throw as much "cool army game shit" as possible into one game.
It's like they took basic design behind Battlefield 2142, and added the "war torn" gritty look of Gears of War.

I will admit thought that the unmanned vehicles are pretty nifty.
Yet one of the game magazines in Poland has creamed itself already over the game.
Mind you, a former poster here at was (is still?) a level designer for this game.

He worked on the Off Limits mod for a while, then moved on to bigger things.
Played the demo. I understand that they are trying to induce realism into the game, but why is the recoil on the guns so rediculous. This is supposed to be set in the near future, and already we are creating prototypes that have way better recoil than this.
Hmm. It looks like what I would expect Battlefield 2 to look like if it had been released a year later.

Now, I actually liked Battlefield 2, and I logged some 300 odd hours on it... but after a while it becomes the sort of game which you can't maintain interest in for over two weeks. I'd like a sequel to BF2, even if it was just a graphical remake with new weapons and maps, but obviously (and justifiedly) some people disagree with me.

I've seen the BF3 thread in these forums and it's rather negative, with a lot of people complaining that it basically sounds like Battlefield 2 rehashed. Maybe it is. The "rehash" and "lack of innovation" accusations are thrown around fairly often nowadays, but sometimes I wonder whether there's anything left to add to first person shooters.

Crysis was innovative graphically (well, in terms of raw power, at least), the nanosuit was cool (although BF2142 had done something similar) and weapon customization was rather innovative (although I felt it could have been taken further), but the end result... could have been better. (On the multiplayer front, Power Struggle still feels rather hacked together, IMO.)

This is a honest question, by the way: what are modern (multiplayer/singleplayer) FPSs missing, in your opinion?
there is a beta for this and its alright, its nothing special as you guys said.
I'm digging this. The loadouts and squad tactics, vehicles...granted that it isn't anything that hasn't been done before, but that isn't a prerequisite for a good game.

I'll keep an eye on this one.
At 1st i was meh, then i looked more into it while noticing it was going to be released on steam. Tried playing the beta but i was disappointed. Granted its a beta, so i will look into it near release.
This is a honest question, by the way: what are modern (multiplayer/singleplayer) FPSs missing, in your opinion?

I think they're missing a lot of things. Proper balancing is a major one. Recently the only game that I've felt is really, truly balanced is the Orange Box. TF2 especially. It's a finely-tuned medley of strengths and weaknesses between each class, and it works almost flawlessly.

Another major thing is unique design. Games have fallen into a rut of "let's see who can make the most realistic weapons and vehicles" and it just gets tiring after a while. There needs to be better and more meaningful ways of interacting with the environment, interesting control methods, more well-developed settings, interesting player abilities, and so forth. TF2 is, again, a good example, with the Medic's Ubercharge and the Demoman's sticky grenades. But we can do better.

Basically we need to start focusing on gameplay before all else.
That's one thing I was wondering about, actually... do you figure they dumbed down the AI, or at least their aim, so they could do these videos without getting killed? Because if not, those guys are crapshoots...
I played the beta, then promptly uninstalled it.
Just play Mercenaries, it's like Frontlines, but 10x better, only downside- 3rd person shooter and singe player only

Mercs 2 is gonna be MP, but still a 3rd person, need I do a new thread on Mercs 2?
That's one thing I was wondering about, actually... do you figure they dumbed down the AI, or at least their aim, so they could do these videos without getting killed? Because if not, those guys are crapshoots...
No, the AI is just that. In the demo I had no problem killing them, nor did they have any killing me. They just left cover at the worst possible times.
This game is damn fun, I played the fileplanet beta for a while.

I actually like it a bit better than BF2.
Just play Mercenaries, it's like Frontlines, but 10x better, only downside- 3rd person shooter and singe player only

Mercs 2 is gonna be MP, but still a 3rd person, need I do a new thread on Mercs 2?

How is it like mercenaries?
similar story, similar guns, that destroy everything is in both, neither seem to have an actual goal, just more open gameplay (go wherever, do whatever feel in both)
Merecenaries was about Kim Jong Il's son assassinating him and taking command, what does that have to do with the world's fuel/oil sources being warred over?
Mercs 2 seems to be about oil in Venezuela (unless I missed something)
I alway thought M2 was about the government and stuff and a resistance fighting it. I dunno.
Last I heard, it was that the Venezuelan gov't stopping oil trade with the world, the U.S. going to pressure them back into it, some the Venezuelan militia fighting against them with small resistance groups helping the Allies
Oh. Well, these are two completely different types of games so there really isn't much of a comparison.
It might turn out to be good.
It's being made by the Desert Combat/BF 2 devs after all.
similar story, similar guns, that destroy everything is in both, neither seem to have an actual goal, just more open gameplay (go wherever, do whatever feel in both)

I thought frontlines was a battlefield 2 style game?
They are the same people who made BF2. but not sure how this is gone turn up to be.

I hop this game scores over 9.0


No they made a BF 1942 mod not BF 2 :| didn't dice make BF 2?
I got into the beta. It's a nice game, even if three fifths of the servers out there seem to be running Oil Field. After playing about 30 minutes of Street, though, my urge to buy this game is somewhat lessened... the close combat doesn't feel that great, you start realizing how odd some things are (okay, this is the future, but why do all weapons have scopes? And the pistol doesn't have ironsights...), aiming seems a little bit off, etc.

Although I've got to give KAOS props for the netcode, I've never seen better hit detection in online FPSs. In that aspect, it rocks.